Skin condition control in patients with chronic skin diseasesusing dermatic products

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Chronic skin diseases degrade the patients life quality. Presently, topical steroids are the most efficient drugs for the
treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. However, there is a risk involved in their application: the patient can develop
both systemic and topical adverse effects. As many as 37 patients with atopic dermatitis (including 16 pregnant women)
applied an advanced corticosteroid drug topically for two months (uniderm according to an intermittent regimen: for
two consecutive days with a time window of five days (twice a week) against the background of daily administration
of Emolium, a basic care product. The uniderm administration regimen made it possible to considerably improve the
patients skin condition in most of the cases and improve the life quality in patients with atopic dermatitis.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Sokolovskiy E.V., Monakhov K.N., Dombrovskaya D.K., Sokolovsky Y.V., Monakhov K.N., Dombrovskaya D.K.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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