Long-term trends in the prevalence rate of the herpes simplex virus in thesiberian population

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The article describes the results of a study conducted in 1994-2005 by the immune-enzyme assay method. The study involved
1,014 subjects aged 14-64 and randomly selected from the population of Novosibirsk and rural regions of Tyva and Mountain
Altai based on determination of G-class antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2 by the IEA method. The prevalence rate for anti-HSV-1
antibodies did not differ in the study populations and was 99.4%. The general prevalence rate of anti-HSV-2 antibodies was higher
in women vs. men and did not differ in different regions. The frequency of cases when HSV-2 was diagnosed was growing in proportion
to the age from 1.0% in teenagers aged 14-17 up to 19.4-37.5% in subjects aged 55-64. The prevalence of HSV-2 in
Siberia was found to be similar to that in the United States and Scandinavian countries. The sexual profile of subjects infected with
HSV-2 in Russia did not differ from that in other population-based studies conducted in the world.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Khryanin A.A., Reshetnikov O.V., Kandrushina M.P.

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