e Author transfers the rights specified in clauses 1.3 and 1.4 to the Editors without any time limitations or territory restrictions, including the territories of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The Editors have the right to transfer the rights received from the author to the third party or to prohibit any use of materials published in the journal by the third party.

1.7. The Author guarantees that he or she holds the copyright to all materials submitted to the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii. In case of violation of this guarantee by the Author and consequent claims to the Editors, the Author is obliged to settle all the claims at his/her own expense. The Editors are not responsible for copyright violation by the Author.

1.8. The Author retains the right to use the published material or its parts for personal needs, including scientific and educational purposes. The Author retains the right to publish the parts of the article in other editions with obligatory reference to the main article, published in the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii Journal.

1.9. The copyright is considered transferred to the Editors since the issue with the article passes for printing.

1.10. Reprinting of the article published in the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii Journal by the third parties is only possible provided the written permission of the Editors. Reference to the issue of the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii Journal in which the article was published and to the year of publication is obligatory.

1.11. The Editors are obliged to provide the Author with one copy of the issue where the article is published. The Author(s) should provide his/her (their) full mail address(es) including index(es) at the end of the manuscript.

1.12. Manuscripts can be reviewed by independent experts. All manuscripts are reviewed on the double blind reviewing basis - neither the Authors know who reviewers are, nor the reviewers know who the Author of each particular manuscript is. The name of institution, where the Author works or makes research remains confidential as well. Reviewers\' comments and opinions can be sent to the Author for making changes or corrections. In case of untimely answer of the Author the Editors have the right to make their own independent scientific editing and to make corrections to the publication or to refuse to publish the article. Editing, shortening and correction of the manuscript, and changes in the graph, picture or table design are made in order they comply the standards of the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii Journal. The meaning of the submitted content should not be changed after corrections.

1.13. The Editors are not responsible for reliability of the information presented in the manuscripts.

1.14. The Editors recommend[*] that submitted manuscripts conform the uniform requirements, stated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication" published in №1-2 of 2010, available on the Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii Journal website http://www.vestnikdv.ru , in the "For Authors" section.

1.15. Articles submitted with violation of requirements for design and formatting will not be accepted by the Editors.

II. General recommendations for submission of original scientific works

2.1. An article should be typed using the Times New Roman font (12 points, double interval, and 2 cm top, bottom, right and left margins). The volume of an article with the list of references, schedules, drawings and tables should not exceed 12 standard typewritten pages (1 page is 1800 symbols, including spaces); a case study should not exceed 6 standard pages; reviews and lectures should not exceed 25 standard pages.

2.2. We welcome submissions that present the following categories of manuscripts

Authors should create the manuscripts using the templates of the certain formats. Please, download Word templates below:

The structure of a manuscript should follow the structure presented in a template. It is obligatory to complete all the sections given in a template (exception for the manuscripts which do not provide any information for a certain section).

We strongly recommend the authors to use the TEMPLATE file for the appropriate type of manuscript (see above) and follow the recommendations set out in the file. Please note that the editorial templates for manuscripts are not perfect for whole variety of research types and study designs. So, we recommend authors to follow the international guidelines for transparent and accurate reporting data in scholarly articles collected on the EQUATOR Network platform. Reporting guidelines for the main study types: