Lavomax - new potential of the complex therapy of genital herpes

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The goal of this study was to assess clinical efficacy and safety of Lavomax and to provide pathogenetic grounds for its
use in the complex therapy of patients suffering from genital herpes. The study subjects were 64 patients suffering from
genital herpes.
Their diagnosis was verified on the basis of ELISA and PCR results. Immunoassays revealed various disorders of immune
homeostasis and natural resistance. These results confirm that there are pathogenetic grounds to use Lavomax in the
complex therapy of genital herpes. Complex treatment with the use of Lavomax normalizes immune homeostasis and
quickly reduces clinical manifestations of herpes significantly reducing the frequency and duration of recurrences of the


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Copyright (c) 2011 Udzhukhu V.Y., Kubylinskiy A.A., Udzhukhu V.Y., Kubylinsky A.A.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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