Combined method of treatment of palmar and plantar warts

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The article presents the results of an open-label comparative randomized clinical study of a population of outpatients of FGU UrNIIDViI (Ural Research Institute for Dermatology, Venereology and Immunopathology). The study involved 60 patients with viral palmar and planar warts. The subjects were divided into two groups. Thirty patients from the main group received an immune-modulating drug for 10 days as a therapy with the simultaneous removal of warts by the cryodestruction method with the use of liquid nitrogen, and thirty patients from the control group received treatment for their warts only by the method of cryodestruction with the use of liquid nitrogen. Introduction of an immune-modulating and antiviral drug in the complex therapy of patients with viral palmar and planar warts in a combination with cryodestruction had a clinical effect in 93.3% of patients.


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