Treatment of patients with severe and moderate acne
- Authors: Perlamutrov Y.N.1, Olhovskaya K.B.1
- Moscow State University üt Medicine and Dentistry
- Issue: Vol 91, No 3 (2015)
- Pages: 141-146
- Submitted: 24.08.2017
- Published: 24.06.2015
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 153
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Objective. To determine the effectiveness and safety ot the drug Sotret when treating patients with severe or moderate acne resistant to other therapies. Material and methods. The study included 30 people. Determining the severity ot acne was conducted using the DIA, the assessment ot quality ot lite - the scale ot CADI. In the acne treatment patients were using the drug Sotret as monotherapy. Results of the study. Sortret drug therapy contributed to erase the severe and rapid dynamics ot indicators DIA, the tormation ot clinical remission was reported in 93.33% ot patients. Adverse events were dose dependent and primarily recorded in the tirst three months ot the treatment. Use ot the drug by patients erase acne contributed to improving the quality ot lite at an average degree ot severity ot the disease at 93.53%, with a heavy - at 82.74%. Conclusion. The clinical etticacy expressed Sotret demonstrates its wide application
About the authors
YU. N. Perlamutrov
Moscow State University üt Medicine and Dentistry
Author for correspondence.
K. B. Olhovskaya
Moscow State University üt Medicine and Dentistry
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