Hand microbial eczemas
- Authors: Tamrazova O.B.1, Novoseltsev M.V.2
- People's Friendship University of Russia
- Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of Department of Health protection of Moscow
- Issue: Vol 92, No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 85-92
- Submitted: 24.08.2017
- Published: 24.02.2016
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/article/view/215
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/0042-4609-2016-92-1-85-92
- ID: 215
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The article concerns with the case dermatitis of hands. It analyses the modern classifications of hand dermatitis, epidemiological aspects, initiating agents, clinical treatment and therapeutical principals. The special focus is put on microbal eczemas and chronical allergodermathosis of hands. Among the pathogenetical factors of development and maintaining of dermatological inflammation the problem of microbacterial infection of skin is emphasized. The effectiveness and safety of external therapy of patients with microbal and chronical hand eczemas is proven and established while using the multicomponental medication Triderm.
About the authors
O. B. Tamrazova
People's Friendship University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
Email: anait_tamrazova@mail.ru
M. V. Novoseltsev
Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of Department of Health protection of Moscow
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
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