- Authors: Ivanova N.M.1, Cybikov N.N.1, Sormolotova I.N.1
- Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 94, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 27-32
- Submitted: 06.06.2018
- Accepted: 06.06.2018
- Published: 06.06.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 387
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Allergic diseases pose a serious health problem worldwide. The review of literature presents some data on the role of heat shock proteins in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis, as the most common diseases in the population of this nosological group. Data on the possible role of heat shock proteins in the pathogenesis of atopic march development are also presented.
About the authors
N. M. Ivanova
Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Graduate student of the Department of Pathological Physiology, doctor dermatovenereologist,
Gorky str., 39а, Chita, 672000
РоссияN. N. Cybikov
Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology,
Gorky str., 39а, Chita, 672000
РоссияI. N. Sormolotova
Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology,
Gorky str., 39а, Chita, 672000
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