Prevalence and clinical manifestations of cheilitis in children suffering from atopic dermatitis.
- Authors: Toropova NP1, Lepeshkova TS1, Teplova SN1
- Issue: Vol 86, No 4 (2010)
- Pages: 60-65
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.08.2010
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 916
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The authors present the results of studying clinical manifestations of cheilitis in 143 children suffering from atopic dermatitis. The
severe stage of cheilitis was observed in 42.7% of children, the medium to severe stage - in 35.7%, the mild stage - in 21.6%.
The authors revealed more frequent development of episodes of bronchial obstruction (55.3%) and recurrent respiratory diseases
(69.2%) in such children. They also revealed defects of barrier, anticolonial and microbicide functions of the secretory immunity
of the patients oral cavity. The administration of Imudon in the complex therapy produced a good therapeutic effect in 77.4% of
children and reduced the frequency of development of acute respiratory diseases.
severe stage of cheilitis was observed in 42.7% of children, the medium to severe stage - in 35.7%, the mild stage - in 21.6%.
The authors revealed more frequent development of episodes of bronchial obstruction (55.3%) and recurrent respiratory diseases
(69.2%) in such children. They also revealed defects of barrier, anticolonial and microbicide functions of the secretory immunity
of the patients oral cavity. The administration of Imudon in the complex therapy produced a good therapeutic effect in 77.4% of
children and reduced the frequency of development of acute respiratory diseases.
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