Current approaches to the external therapy of photodermatoses

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Remedial measures for photodamages of skin are mainly aimed at elimination of inflammation and subjective sensations
such as burning and itching. Topical corticosteroids remain leading drugs in the external therapy of phototrauma,
phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. Mometasone furoate (Elocom) has high anti-inflammatory and antiallergic
activity. Moreover, the composition of the Elocom cream is based on titanium dioxide, a classical mineral screen,
which makes it possible to use the Elocom cream in case of steroid-sensitive pathology under conditions of high solar
exposure. The Elocom cream has been used in the monotherapy and complex treatment of solar dermatitis, actinic
cheilitis, polymorphous light eruption, discoid lupus erythematosus and actinic prurigo. Regression of manifestations of
solar dermatitis was recorded on Day 1-3 of treatment, and regression of manifestations of actinic cheilitis - during
Week 2 of treatment. The process in case of photoallergic reactions and discoid lupus erythematosus was over during
Week 3-4 of treatment. Substances making a part of the composition of the Elocom cream and having photoprotective
properties make this cream a drug of choice for its use on skin areas subject to solar exposure in case of steroidsensitive
pathology including phototrauma, phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. Besides, photoprotective properties
of the Elocom cream explain why it should be selected for treatment of steroid-sensitive dermatoses becoming more
severe or appearing after solar exposure, in case of localization of eruptions on open skin areas (face, neck, decollete
area, hands, etc.)


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Copyright (c) 2011 Khlebnikova A.N., Khlebnikova A.N.

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