260 years of Alma Mater of Russian Syphilology
- Authors: Zaslavsky DV1
- Issue: Vol 86, No 5 (2010)
- Pages: 169-176
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.10.2010
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/article/view/1002
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv1002
- ID: 1002
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During Peter the Great syphilis and gonorea had such a wide spread, that so called spinning houses for easy virtues were established
in Saint Petersburg. One of this spinning yard established in 1718 by Peter the Great, later on was turned into the medical facility and
called Kalinkinskaya Hospital under the rein of Elizaveta Petrovna. Her decree dated August 1st, 1750 was the first official reference
of Kalinkinskaya Hospital as medical facility specialized in venerеological treatment. In this hospital the founder of Russian venereology
Benjamin Mikhailovitch Tarnowsky (1837-1906) lectured syphilolody for 25 years since 1859, initiated the establishment of
the Russian Venereological School, devoted his research to pereloy, gonorea, hypertrichosis, neurosyphilis, iodoform treatment.
Experimental syphilis, congenital syphilis, Ulcus vulvae acutum were studied within the hospital. In Soviet period Kalinkinskaya
Hospital was renamed to the Skin-Venereological Dispensary of the Leningrad Region. Nowedays it hosts the serological lab,
experimental syphilis lab and is considered the biggest mycological lab in Russia. The Dispensary houses 110 beds, 34 specially
equipped offices and 54 specialists.
in Saint Petersburg. One of this spinning yard established in 1718 by Peter the Great, later on was turned into the medical facility and
called Kalinkinskaya Hospital under the rein of Elizaveta Petrovna. Her decree dated August 1st, 1750 was the first official reference
of Kalinkinskaya Hospital as medical facility specialized in venerеological treatment. In this hospital the founder of Russian venereology
Benjamin Mikhailovitch Tarnowsky (1837-1906) lectured syphilolody for 25 years since 1859, initiated the establishment of
the Russian Venereological School, devoted his research to pereloy, gonorea, hypertrichosis, neurosyphilis, iodoform treatment.
Experimental syphilis, congenital syphilis, Ulcus vulvae acutum were studied within the hospital. In Soviet period Kalinkinskaya
Hospital was renamed to the Skin-Venereological Dispensary of the Leningrad Region. Nowedays it hosts the serological lab,
experimental syphilis lab and is considered the biggest mycological lab in Russia. The Dispensary houses 110 beds, 34 specially
equipped offices and 54 specialists.
syphilology, venereological diseases, syphilis, Russian Venereological School, Kalinkinskaya Hospital, Benjamin Tarnowsky, serological laboratory, mycological laboratory, venereological hospitals of Leningrad region, experimental syphilis, syphilis treatment in Russia, gonorea, pereloy, neurosyphilis
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