Vol 86, No 5 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Published: 15.10.2010
- Articles: 26
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/65
Full Issue
Analysis of the epidemiological situation and dynamics of std and dermatosismorbidity in the territory of the russian federation
The article presents an analysis of the morbidity rate for STDs and dermatoses based on the data from official governmental statistical
reports by subjects, federal districts and Russian Federation on the whole in 2009. The analysis covered the dynamics of the
morbidity rate for STDs and dermatoses for the period of 2003-2009.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):4-21

Organization of specialized aid to children suffering from chronic dermatoses
Begun in 2004 administrative reform has caused for itself processes of the modernizations of the system of the public health that,
on the one hand, has conditioned increasing to responsibility local organ of power for condition and development to network of
the medical institutions of the territory, promoted increase the volume medical help, but with other - has lowered for separate part
of population accessibility specialized type medical aid, as well as level quality its rendering, mainly to account of the absence to
receivership in work physician primary section and dermatovenerology. For increasing quality specialized medical help children,
sick chronic dermatitis, necessary organization of the efficient system of the interaction between primary medical section and
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):22-28

Revisited new data in the specialty: organizational and practical aspects
The authors analyzed the current normative and legal acts and methodical guidelines for rendering cosmetology aid to the population
of the Russian Federation. The article describes the content of major normative documents regulating the procedure for
introducing cosmetology as a new area of specialization.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):29-34

Major directions in the development of diagnostics technologies indermatovenerology
This review describes major directions in the development of laboratory diagnostics of STDs and dermatoses in the Russian
Federation. It also discusses strategic directions in the development of diagnostics departments in dermatovenerological institutions
(three-level structure of laboratory aid, centralization, automation, standardization of tests, external and internal laboratory quality
control, introduction of laboratory information technologies and laboratory information exchange systems). It also substantiates
the priority directions in the diagnostics of STDs (etiological diagnostics, acceleration of the cycle of laboratory tests for patients,
determination of the resistance of causative agents to antimicrobial drugs, molecular monitoring of the spreading of STDs) and
dermatoses (diagnosis verification, diagnosing an organ pathology, marker diagnostics, prevention and prediction of the efficacy
and safety of dermatosis treatment).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):35-44

On quality of serological diagnostics of syphilis in dermatovenerologicalinstitutions of the russian federation
The article presents the results of a cycle of external quality control of serological tests for diagnostics of the syphilitic infection
conducted by FGU GNTsD Rosmedtekhnologiy (State Research Center for Dermatology and Venereology of the Federal
Agency for High-Technology Medical Aid) in 2009 in 125 serology laboratories of dermatovenerological institutions in different
subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors evaluated the quality of serological tests (microprecipitation test, RPR, passive
hemagglutination test, immunofluorescence test and immune-enzyme assay) of four reference serum samples based on formal
and essential characteristics. The percentage of non-satisfactory results of studies for a set of reference serum samples in nontreponemal
tests (microprecipitation test and RPR) was 10.9%; in treponemal tests: in immune-enzyme assay - 1.4%, in passive
hemagglutination test - 1.2%, in immunofluorescence test - 0.9%. The most significant differences in the results were revealed
in studies of reference serum samples with the low content of antibodies (weakly positive) as well as those that contained no
antibodies to the syphilis causative agent.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):45-50

Potential and prospects of rendering high-end medical aid todermatovenerological patients
The authors defined stages of development of high-end medical aid for skin and hypoderm diseases and presented particular features
of such aid based on their many years experience and analysis of normative and legal acts as well as methodical guidelines.
A study of the potential of regional medical institutions in rendering high-end dermatovenerological aid conducted by the authors
enabled them to substantiate further ways of development for this type of medical aid.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):51-54

Telecommunications technologies used in dermatovenerology
The article discusses key lines of activities of the State Research Center for Dermatology and Venereology related to the development
of telemedicine in the process of rendering specialized medical aid to dermatovenerological patients and distance education
for experts in the field of dermatology, venereology and cosmetology. It presents up-to-date data on the potential and level of
development of information and telecommunications technologies in specialized dermatovenerological medical institutions.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):55-58

Use of up-to-date information systems in the monitoring of resources ofmedical institutions of the dermatovenerology profile and control over themorbidity rate for socially significant infections
The article covers problems of introduction of new information and communications technologies aimed at the improvement
of dermatovenerological medical aid rendered to the population of the Russian Federation in medical institutions of the
dermatovenerological profile. The authors evaluated indices of resources and operations of medical institutions of the
dermatovenerological profile based on the data presented at www.monitoring-ippp.ru.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):59-64

Selection of drugs for treatment of gonococcal infection based on the results ofthe monitoring of N. gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance
The article presents recommendations for selecting drugs for treatment of gonococcal infection based on the results of the
monitoring of N. gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance in 2009 and 2005-2009. It was shown that it is not recommended to use
penicillin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin in the territory of the Russian Federation because of the high level of N. gonorrhoeae
resistance to these drugs. The drug of choice for gonorrhea treatment in the Russian Federation is Ceftriaxon because of the
high level of N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity (100%). It is recommended to use spectinomycin for gonorrhea treatment only in the Ural
and Far Eastern Districts; azithromycin - only in the Ural and Central Districts characterized by the high level of N. gonorrhoeae
sensitivity to these antimicrobial drugs, and it is necessary to use spectinomycin and azithromycin in other federal districts of
Russia only under control of determination of N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):65-73

Treatment of acne in women with various forms of hyperandrogenism
The authors conducted a study of the urine steroid profile in 56 women with acne in order to determine the form of their hyperandrogenism
(HA). A ovarian form of HA was revealed in 28.7% of patients, a mixed form was revealed in 30.9%, and no laboratory
signs of any hyperandrogenic state were revealed in 40.4%. The determination of the HA form enabled the authors to efficiently
select a method of systemic treatment for the patients with the use of hormone drugs and to achieve excellent and good results in
70.4% for women with the ovarian form of HA and in 75.9% for women with the mixed form. As for the group of patients where no
HA form was determined, good and excellent results were observed in 30.4% of women.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):74-76

Personalized approach to the selection of therapy for patients with psoriasisbased on the results of molecular and genetic tests
The article presents the results of tests aimed at revealing biomarkers of patients clinical response to treatment with Infliximab
and phototherapy with the use of molecular and genetic technologies. The authors revealed that the predictor of evident clinical
response to treatment of psoriasis patients with Infliximab is the homozygous TT genotype at the 676 locus of exon 6 of the TNFR-
II gene; predictors of high efficacy and safety of treatment of psoriasis patients with Infliximab with the use of ultraviolet therapy
(PUVA and mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy (311 nm)) are: heterozygous GA genotype at the 19007 locus of the ERCC gene
and homozygous CC genotype at the 27945 locus of the XPF gene.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):77-83

Role of recognizing receptors in the initiation of immune inflammation in theskin of psoriasis patients
The article presents data on the pathogenetic role of Toll-like receptors in the development of immunopathological reactions in the
skin. The authors examined the distribution and content of Toll-like receptors TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9 in the affected skin of psoriasis
patients. They revealed a statistically significant increase in expression of Toll-like receptors TLR2 and TLR4, which can play an
important role for the formation of the inflammatory process involving cells of the adaptive immune system.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):84-91

Long-term trends in the prevalence rate of the herpes simplex virus in thesiberian population
The article describes the results of a study conducted in 1994-2005 by the immune-enzyme assay method. The study involved
1,014 subjects aged 14-64 and randomly selected from the population of Novosibirsk and rural regions of Tyva and Mountain
Altai based on determination of G-class antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2 by the IEA method. The prevalence rate for anti-HSV-1
antibodies did not differ in the study populations and was 99.4%. The general prevalence rate of anti-HSV-2 antibodies was higher
in women vs. men and did not differ in different regions. The frequency of cases when HSV-2 was diagnosed was growing in proportion
to the age from 1.0% in teenagers aged 14-17 up to 19.4-37.5% in subjects aged 55-64. The prevalence of HSV-2 in
Siberia was found to be similar to that in the United States and Scandinavian countries. The sexual profile of subjects infected with
HSV-2 in Russia did not differ from that in other population-based studies conducted in the world.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):96-101

Current drugs for treatment of acne vulgaris
The author provides data about the efficacy and side effects of current drugs for treatment of acne. He pays special attention to
the problem of developing resistance in case of application of antibiotics. The article describes current approaches to the reduction
of this problem in patients with acne. It lists main currently available hormone drugs taking into account their efficacy and side
effects. The article presents a current algorithm for evaluating possible side effects of application of isotretinoin and measures of
their prevention, and describes a new form of isotretinoin with extra bioavailability - Acnecutan. It also discusses characteristics
of external drugs.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):108-111

Studies on effectiveness and safety of system retinoids use in therapy ofadolescent acne
The article describes up-to-date data on mechanics of epigenetic effects of system retinoid - isotretinoin (Roaccutane). It is
noted, that modern acne therapy is able not only to pathogenetically influence consequences of the process, but effect genetical
causes of desease, leading to persistant changes and normalization of regulatory segments DNA structure under influence of
isotretinoin. Also this article lists data on the use of isotretinoin (Roaccutane) for acne treatment of 237 adolescents. Studies were
performed on frequency of occurrence, degree of manifestation of secondary effects and methods of levereging this effects in
practical use. Authors state that correctly prescribed treatments are safe and do not cause serious secondary effects with in case
of long treatmetns.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):112-116

On the role of topical glucocorticosteroids in treatment of atopic dermatitis inchildren
The article discusses the role of topical glucocorticosteroids in treatment of children suffering from atopic dermatitis as well as
problems of clinical efficacy and safety of application of mometasone furoate (Elocom®) for this dermatosis during the period of
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):118-122

Clobetasol propionate (Dermovate) gives new opportunities in the treatment ofdermatoses
The author provides a review of literature covering studies of the efficacy and safety of a very powerful topical corticosteroid -
clobetasol propionate (Dermovate). It surpasses most topical glucocorticoids by its action and efficacy for steroid-responsive
dermatoses. The drug has several forms convenient for use for different localizations. It is a drug of choice for medium and severe
psoriasis. It is efficient in treatment of a wide range of torpid dermatoses as well as dermatoses resistant to other topical drugs.
This drug is safe under the condition of its reasonable administration. The development of serious complications is possible only
in case of long-term administration of extremely high doses.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):124-134

Skin dryness in newborns and methods of its correction with the use of theEmolium series of cosmetic products
The article generalizes the current concepts of reasons and mechanisms of skin barrier dysfunction in newborns, presents a
method to correct such disorders with the use of Emolium basic skin care products, and provides results of the efficacy, tolerance
and safety study of the Emolium cosmetic line for skin care and hygiene for newborns.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):136-140

Evaluation of the efficacy of introduction of a new medical technology fortreatment of chronic dermatoses based on the application of activated zincpyrithione
The article presents the results of evaluating the efficacy of introduction of a medical technology known as application of Skin-Cap
(activated zinc pyrithione) in the therapy of chronic dermatoses in the course of a questionnaire survey of 303 dermatovenerologists
from 14 Russian cities. The authors revealed that the doctors awareness of this medical technology resulted in a considerable
growth of the percentage of patients who receive activated zinc pyrithione. The respondents mentioned the efficacy, safety
and simple use of the drug and algorithms of its administration disclosed in the medical technology. It was revealed that compliance
with the medical technology results in the lower frequency of visits to a doctor for evaluating the efficacy of treatment and
lower need in its correction. The respondents also noted an improvement in the patients attitude to their treatment.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):141-147

Skin rejuvenation with the use of fractional photothermolysis(MultiPlex technology) in a combination with the CAP system
A new method of skin rejuvenation with the use of fractional laser photothermolysis (MultiPlex technology) in a combination with
the CAP system is based on the sequential skin exposure to low-intensity radiation with different wavelengths (1,440 nm and 1,320
nm). This method produces much more evident esthetic results than radiation of greater intensity but with one wavelength only.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):150-160

Practical aspects of correction of local hyperhidrosis with the application of abotulinum toxin type A (Dysport®)
This article discusses practical aspects of treatment of local hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin type A (Dysport®). This method
helps choose the individual dose of the administered drug taking into account the anatomical area and intensity of sweating, avoid
psycho-emotional disorders, obtain good clinical results, reduce the risk of the onset and recurrence of chronic dermatoses considerably
and improve the patients quality of life.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):161-167

260 years of Alma Mater of Russian Syphilology
During Peter the Great syphilis and gonorea had such a wide spread, that so called spinning houses for easy virtues were established
in Saint Petersburg. One of this spinning yard established in 1718 by Peter the Great, later on was turned into the medical facility and
called Kalinkinskaya Hospital under the rein of Elizaveta Petrovna. Her decree dated August 1st, 1750 was the first official reference
of Kalinkinskaya Hospital as medical facility specialized in venerеological treatment. In this hospital the founder of Russian venereology
Benjamin Mikhailovitch Tarnowsky (1837-1906) lectured syphilolody for 25 years since 1859, initiated the establishment of
the Russian Venereological School, devoted his research to pereloy, gonorea, hypertrichosis, neurosyphilis, iodoform treatment.
Experimental syphilis, congenital syphilis, Ulcus vulvae acutum were studied within the hospital. In Soviet period Kalinkinskaya
Hospital was renamed to the Skin-Venereological Dispensary of the Leningrad Region. Nowedays it hosts the serological lab,
experimental syphilis lab and is considered the biggest mycological lab in Russia. The Dispensary houses 110 beds, 34 specially
equipped offices and 54 specialists.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):169-176

K 60-letiyuV.A. Molochkova
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):177-178

K 60-letiyuK.A. Konyukhovoy
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(5):179-180