Organization of specialized aid to children suffering from chronic dermatoses
- Authors: Kungurov NV1, Keniksfest Y.V1, Zilberberg NV1, Pazina MV1
- Issue: Vol 86, No 5 (2010)
- Pages: 22-28
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.10.2010
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 918
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Begun in 2004 administrative reform has caused for itself processes of the modernizations of the system of the public health that,
on the one hand, has conditioned increasing to responsibility local organ of power for condition and development to network of
the medical institutions of the territory, promoted increase the volume medical help, but with other - has lowered for separate part
of population accessibility specialized type medical aid, as well as level quality its rendering, mainly to account of the absence to
receivership in work physician primary section and dermatovenerology. For increasing quality specialized medical help children,
sick chronic dermatitis, necessary organization of the efficient system of the interaction between primary medical section and
on the one hand, has conditioned increasing to responsibility local organ of power for condition and development to network of
the medical institutions of the territory, promoted increase the volume medical help, but with other - has lowered for separate part
of population accessibility specialized type medical aid, as well as level quality its rendering, mainly to account of the absence to
receivership in work physician primary section and dermatovenerology. For increasing quality specialized medical help children,
sick chronic dermatitis, necessary organization of the efficient system of the interaction between primary medical section and
About the authors
N V Kungurov
Yu V Keniksfest
N V Zilberberg
M V Pazina
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