Current methods to identify the gonococcal infection pathogen
- Authors: Frigo NV1, Polevshchikova SA1, Volkov IA1, Shatalova AY.1, Rakhmatulina MR1, Solomka VS1, Frigo NV1, Polevshchikova SA1, Volkov IA1, Shatalova AY.1, Rakhmatulina MR1, Solomka VS1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 3 (2011)
- Pages: 45-51
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1017
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pathogen applied in Russia and abroad: microscopy method, cultural (bacteriological) study method, nucleic acid
amplification techniques and DNA chip technology. The benefits and shortcomings of each of the techniques have been
compared. The authors emphasize the cultural method is currently considered to be the key one for diagnosing gonorrhea
due to its high specificity and sensitivity making it possible to define the N.gonorrhoeae sensitivity to antimicrobial
drugs, which is very important taking into consideration the N. gonorrhoeae resistance to antibiotics. The nucleic acid
amplification techniques and, first of all, polymerase chain reaction, can be used in Russia as screening methods. The
results obtained by using the techniques need confirmation by the cultural method.
About the authors
N V Frigo
Email: frigo@
S A Polevshchikova
Email: г. Москва
I A Volkov
A Yu Shatalova
M R Rakhmatulina
V S Solomka
N V Frigo
S A Polevshchikova
I A Volkov
A Yu Shatalova
M R Rakhmatulina
V S Solomka
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