Vol 87, No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Published: 15.06.2011
- Articles: 25
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/67

Gonococcal infection incidence rate in the russian federationin 1999-2009
The article presents a comparative analysis of the gonococcal infection incidence rate among adult population (aged
18 and older) and teenagers (aged 15-17) carried out based on the official statistical reporting for the subjects, federal
districts and in the Russian Federation in general in 1999-2009
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):8-17

Analysis of the neurosyphilis incidence rate and quality oflaboratory diagnostics in the russian federation
According to the analysis of the state statistical reporting, the rate of new neurosyphilis cases was growing in the
Russian Federation in 1999-2009. Substantial differences in the number of detected neurosyphilis cases by different
federal districts were established. Low-quality laboratory diagnostics was proved to be one of the factors promoting the
neurosyphilis incidence rate. The quality of the neurosyphilis laboratory diagnostics was studied by means of
questionnaires distributed among dedicated dermatovenerological medical institutions. Substantial shortcomings in the
neurosyphilis laboratory diagnostics were established including absence of spinal fluid diagnostics in 17%-33% of the
institutions and inadequate compliance with the regulatory study methods (immunofluorescence test with whole spinal
fluid, microprecipitation test, cytosis and protein determination in the spinal fluid). For the purposes of optimizing the
neurosyphilis diagnostics in the Russian Federation, we suggest to provide for all-round and complex examination of
patients with suspected neurosyphilis based on the regulatory laboratory and functional diagnostics methods; it is also
required to make the spinal fluid examination based on the passive hemagglutination test being highly sensitive and
specific as well as having a high diagnostic efficacy for neurosyphilis a part of the standards aimed at rendering medical
aid to neurosyphilis patients.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):18-26

Proteome technologies in studying the pathogenesisof psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the most prevalent inflammatory dermatoses. At the same time, its pathogenesis has not been studied
in full. Proteome profiling is currently a promising method to study the biological mechanisms of developing different
diseases. Proteome technologies make it possible to detect changes in the skin protein profile in psoriatic patients and
identify the revealed proteins. The proteins serve as potential targets for drugs or biomarkers for assessing the patients
individual drug response. The article describes the key achievements in the field of studying the pathogenesis of psoriasis
using proteome technologies (two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry) set out in the latest literature
sources, and also analyzes the results of the authors studies aimed at detecting proteins being markers of the patients
response to the infliximab therapy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):27-33

Cephalosporins of the third generation for the treatment of gonorrhea
The article presents the data on antibiotic resistance and N. gonorrhoeae mechanisms for developing resistance to
antimicrobial drugs belonging to different pharmacologic groups and applied for causal treatment of gonorrhea. The
article proves the key problem related to the treatment of gonococcal infection in Russia lies in the prevalence of strains
being resistant to most of the antibacterial drugs that used to be applied in the clinical practice on a broad scale and
efficiently. So, cephalosporins of the third generation are presently the only drug type that N. gonorrhoeae remains
sensitive to. Their application ensures the maximum efficacy against the gonococcal infection. According to the presentday
international recommendations complying with the WHO criteria as well as accumulated experience, cefixime, a drug
belonging to cephalosporins of the third generation, can be a drug of choice for the antibacterial therapy of gonorrhea
along with ceftriaxon.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):34-44

Current methods to identify the gonococcal infection pathogen
The authors present the data on the current laboratory methods and recommendations for identifying the gonorrhea
pathogen applied in Russia and abroad: microscopy method, cultural (bacteriological) study method, nucleic acid
amplification techniques and DNA chip technology. The benefits and shortcomings of each of the techniques have been
compared. The authors emphasize the cultural method is currently considered to be the key one for diagnosing gonorrhea
due to its high specificity and sensitivity making it possible to define the N.gonorrhoeae sensitivity to antimicrobial
drugs, which is very important taking into consideration the N. gonorrhoeae resistance to antibiotics. The nucleic acid
amplification techniques and, first of all, polymerase chain reaction, can be used in Russia as screening methods. The
results obtained by using the techniques need confirmation by the cultural method.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):45-51

The role of molecular and genetic methods to determine theТ-cell and В-cell clonality in diagnosing malignant cutaneouslymphomas
The article presents the data on the studies contributing to improving the differential diagnostics of T-cell and B-cell
cutaneous lymphomas including large-plaque parapsoriasis and T-cell and B-cell cutaneous pseudolymphomas as well
as frequency of their transformation into malignant cutaneous lymphomas. There was a study of 101 patients using the
polymerase chain reaction method to determine the T-cell and B-cell lymphocyte clonality by genes of g and chains in
the T-cell receptor and immunoglobulin heavy chain genes. Monoclonality was determined in 40 of 46 cases in patients
with T-cell cutaneous lymphomas and in three of four cases in patients with B-cell cutaneous lymphomas. Monoclonality
was revealed in one of 14 cases of large-plaque parapsoriasis and one of two cases of T-cell cutaneous pseudolymphoma.
In all of the 24 cases of chronic benign dermatoses, five cases of small-plaque parapsoriasis and ten skin tissue samples
obtained from healthy donors, polyclonal lymphocytes were revealed. So, the obtained results make it possible to
consider the method to be an important addition in the field of diagnosing lymphoproliferative skin diseases.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):52-57

Clinical and economic analysis of administering ustekinumab(stelara) to patients with severe psoriasis
There was a clinical and economic study of ustekinumab (stelara) as compared to etanercept (enbrel), infliximab
(remicade) and adalimumab (humira) for treating patients with severe psoriasis. The clinical efficacy and safety of the
biological drugs were analyzed, and estimated costs for their application as well as cost/efficacy ratio and cost efficacy
increment were calculated. Advantages of ustekinumab vs. etanercept were demonstrated: the costs per one patient
with severe psoriasis turned out to be less with the achieved positive effect. When the cost/efficacy ratio was calculated,
the economic advantages of ustekinumab vs. infliximab were established beginning with Weeks 24-28 of the therapy
(according to the results of individual studies, as early as beginning with Week 10 of the therapy). The economic
advantage of ustekinumab vs. adalimumab increases by Week 52 of the therapy. The calculations of the cost efficacy
increment proved that ustekinumab was more efficient than infliximab both in the short (Weeks 10-12 of the therapy)
and long run (Weeks 50-52) and more efficient than adalimumab in the long run (Week 52 of the therapy).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):63-70

A comparative appraisal of the efficacy of different rosaceatreatment methods
There was a comparative appraisal of the efficacy of different papulopustular rosacea treatment methods: systemic
administration of metronidazole, doxycycline hydrochloride and isotretinoin.
The therapy efficacy was appraised based on the dynamics of the indices on the rosacea diagnostics scale in 98 patients
suffering from papulopustular rosacea.
Retinoid proved to be of maximum efficacy, which was confirmed by a more intense decrease in the indices on the
rosacea diagnostics scale with a high share of remission patients.
Conclusion: Isotretinoin has the maximum anti-inflammatory efficacy for treating patients with papulopustular rosacea.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):73-79

Using the Line Blot Syphilis test system for diagnosingsyphilis by the linear immunoblotting method
ZAO ECOlab (Russia) developed Line Blot Syphilis, a new test system on the basis of the linear immunoblotting method
using Treponema рallidum recombinant antigens. The article assessed the diagnostic value of the Line Blot Syphilis test
system in the form of a confirmatory test. As a part of the conducted study, the test system demonstrated its absolute
sensitivity and specificity to serum-positive (n = 237) and serum-negative (n = 114) samples, in which the presence
or absence of Т.pallidum antibodies was confirmed by two treponemal tests. As a result of examining 14 samples
attributed to doubtful analytes based on two test results (passive hemagglutination test and immunofluorescence test
with absorption), the data compliance between the Line Blot Syphilis test system and data from INNO-LIA Syphilis Score
amounted to 100% (14/14) or 93% (13/14) for the immune-enzyme assay and 57% (8/14) for the immunofluorescence
test with absorption. It is recommended to use the Line Blot Syphilis test system (ZAO ECOlab) as a confirmatory syphilis
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):80-87

Psoriatic arthritis: particular features of its clinical course
The number of patients suffering from severe forms of psoriatic arthritis has increased for the recent years. Psoriatic
arthritis is accompanied by synovitis and exudation in the joint cavity in some patients. Healing depends on the timely and
correct treatment
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):94-98

Clinical features of neurosyphilis in sex partners
There was a study involving 726 patients with different syphilis forms with the aim of revealing a neurological deficiency
in them. Nervous system affection symptoms were founding 298 of them. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in 165 patients
based on the conducted examination. There were five neurosyphilis cases in sex partners among them. The article
provides a detailed description of the clinical picture of the disease and discloses the laboratory examination results.
The polymorphism of clinical and laboratory manifestations of the syphilitic infection in sex partners can be explained by
different terms of infestation, particulars of the immunity and presence of concomitant neurologic and somatic diseases.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):105-108

Experience of treating acne patients with acnecutan
The author describes her own positive experience of using a new innovation form of isotretinoin, the Acnecutan drug, for
the treatment of acne patients. The author provides the drug efficacy and tolerability assessment, describes the frequency
and intensity of adverse effects and discloses the methods for their prevention and elimination
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):110-112

Dermatoses of fungal etiology in the anogenital area: errorsin the management and ways to eliminate them
The article discusses the most prevalent errors in the course of examining and treating patients with dermatoses in the
anogenital area. Different forms of mycoses are diagnosed in 58% of male and 25% of female patients. Isoconazole
(Travogen) demonstrated a high clinical efficacy for the treatment of dermatomycoses due to providing a high skin
concentration of the active ingredient. Travocort, a combination drug comprising isoconazole nitrate and diflucortolone
valerate, was indicated to treat patients with burdened allergic anamnesis and mixed infection (bacterial and fungal
association) at the first stage of treatment to reduce the risk of developing complications in the form of eczematization.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):114-118

An investigation of the pharmacokinetics of topical Lamisil® 1% cream
Twenty volunteers were entered into a study to investigate the pharmacokinetics of Lamisil® 1% cream. The subjects were
randomized to receive Lamisil® 1% cream applied to the skin on the back on 1 day, or on 3, 5 or 7 consecutive days.
Up to five biopsies were taken at a site on the upper back at various time-points both during treatment and after
treatment. Lamisil® levels in the biopsies were analyzed using HPLC.
The study showed that increasing the number of applications from one to seven did not significantly increase the peak
concentration (Cmax) in the stratum corneum.
However, there was an increase in the total amount of Lamisil® found in the stratum corneum resulting in Lamisil® being
detected for longer periods after cessation of therapy.
Treatment for 7 days resulted in Lamisil® still being detectable 7 days after cessation of therapy, and the drug
concentration was significantly higher than the concentration killing the common causative organisms of superficial
This study indicates a significant potential for short-term treatment with Lamisil® 1% cream in superficial
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):120-125

Administration of levocetirizine (glencet) in eczema patients.Clinical and ultrasonic assessment of the efficacy
There was a clinical and ultrasonic study of the clinical efficacy of levocetirizine as a part of a complex therapy in 60
patients with eczema. The dynamic calculation of the EASI, EQ-5D and DLQI indices as well as analysis of ultrasound
showings made it possible to confirm the benefits of glencet vs. cetirizine for achieving the clinical effect. The eczema
therapy with glencet contributes to the elimination of both exudative and proliferative parts of the complex pathologic
chain of the disease in patients with this type of dermatosis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):127-132

Skin condition control in patients with chronic skin diseasesusing dermatic products
Chronic skin diseases degrade the patients life quality. Presently, topical steroids are the most efficient drugs for the
treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. However, there is a risk involved in their application: the patient can develop
both systemic and topical adverse effects. As many as 37 patients with atopic dermatitis (including 16 pregnant women)
applied an advanced corticosteroid drug topically for two months (uniderm according to an intermittent regimen: for
two consecutive days with a time window of five days (twice a week) against the background of daily administration
of Emolium, a basic care product. The uniderm administration regimen made it possible to considerably improve the
patients skin condition in most of the cases and improve the life quality in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):133-136

Advanced moisturizing products for the sensitive skin therapy
The article presents the current data on the sensitive skin types and methods to study the skin biophysical properties.
The authors provide the data confirming the clinical efficacy of the Aqua Precis skin care products in patients with
sensitive skin.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):138-140

Skin ultrasound examination in the cosmetologists practice
The article presents the study results for available options as well as diagnostics value and limitations related to
skin ultrasound scans in medical cosmetology. The authors applied the skin ultrasound scanning method at 22 MHz
and 75 MHz to visualize the structure of epidermis, derma and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Patients with chronic
inflammatory dermatoses, skin neoplasms, cicatrical changes and age-related skin changes made a part of the sample
under examination. The authors obtained scanograms of the skin structure and used them to measure the depth of
different skin layers and formations as well as tissue echodensity. The qualitative and quantitative data were applied to
specify the clinical diagnosis and assess the treatment efficacy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):142-152

Fractional CO2 laser: a new therapeutic system forphotobiomodulation of skin remodeling and cytokineproduction in the course of tissue reparation
Eighteen female patients with the signs of photoageing underwent skin rejuvenation using a fractional CO2 laser
(SmartXide DOT, DEKA M.E.L.A., Florence, Italy) with varying energy density (2.07, 2.77 and 4.15 J/cm2). Clinical efficacy
of the said laser irradiation parameters was assessed in all of the subjects, and the skin cytokine profile was studied
by using the immunohistochemistry technique based on skin tissue samples taken prior to the treatment, right after
the treatment and in 3 and 30 days. There were significant improvements in the wrinkle and skin texture condition, and
hyperpigmentation was reduced as a result of the treatment, which proves the efficacy of using the fractional CO2 laser
for the skin photorejuvenation. The technique ensures good clinical results and is distinguished by a short rehabilitation
period and excellent safety profile. In the course of the immunohistochemistry, a relation between the skin cytokine
production, reepithelization and laser irradiation density was established.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):153-160

The roots of international dermatology
This article gives historical overview of the development of international and European dermatovenereological societies.
The first European Dermatological Society and the first world Venereological Society open in Russia. Taking into
consideration the fact that it was the first officially registered national dermatological society whereas Municipal Society
of New York and American National Society were not registered by state authorities, the Russian Society is regarded
here as the first world official dermatological society. This article reviews the proffesional development of Prof Benjamin
Mikhialovitch Tarnowsky (1837-1906) the most significant dermatovenerologist, influenced the development of world
and Russian dermatovenerology, worked in the first world hospital specifically devoted to venereology, Kalinkinskaya
Hospital ( founded in 1750, Saint Petersburg).
Depicts XII International Congress, held in Moscow in August 7-14th, 1897, where the dermotology section was
represented by internationally recognized scientists. Among speakers Kaposi (Wien), Hallopeau (Paris), Gaucher (Paris),
Barthelemy(Paris), Wolf (Strassburg), Rosenthal (Berlin), Nikolsky (Kiev), Lindstrem (Kiev), Jullien (Paris), Poper-
Mor (Budapest), Schwimmer (Budapest), Pospelov (Moscow), Tarnowsky( Saint Petersburg); such sientists as Unna,
Campana, Lassar, Soffiantini, van Hoorn, Vatrashevsky, Yakovlev, Sack participated in the discussion.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):162-173

To the 85th anniversary
28 мая 2011 г. исполнилось 85 лет
доктору медицинских наук профессору
Фаине Александровне Зверьковой.
Трудовой путь Фаины Александровны
начался в суровые годы Великой
Отечественной войны. Студентка
Ленинградского педиатрического
медицинского института, отличница
учебы, после окончания института
в 1949 г. поступает в клиническую
ординатуру кафедры кожных и
венерических болезней, где проходит
путь от клинического ординатора
- ассистента - доцента до
заведующего кафедрой (1972-1994).
Преподавательскую и научную
деятельность начала будучи клиническим
ординатором, а затем в 1957 г.
защитила кандидатскую диссертацию
на тему «Витамин А и каротин при
некоторых кожных заболеваниях у
детей первого года жизни».
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(3):174-175