Skin ultrasound examination in the cosmetologists practice
- Authors: Bezuglyy AP1, Bikbulatova NN1, Shuginina EA1, Belkov PA1, Khabutdinova NR1, Bezuglyi AP1, Bikbulatova NN1, Shuginina Y.A1, Belkov PA1, Khabutdinova NR1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 3 (2011)
- Pages: 142-152
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1044
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skin ultrasound scans in medical cosmetology. The authors applied the skin ultrasound scanning method at 22 MHz
and 75 MHz to visualize the structure of epidermis, derma and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Patients with chronic
inflammatory dermatoses, skin neoplasms, cicatrical changes and age-related skin changes made a part of the sample
under examination. The authors obtained scanograms of the skin structure and used them to measure the depth of
different skin layers and formations as well as tissue echodensity. The qualitative and quantitative data were applied to
specify the clinical diagnosis and assess the treatment efficacy.
About the authors
A P Bezuglyy
N N Bikbulatova
E A Shuginina
P A Belkov
N R Khabutdinova
A P Bezuglyi
N N Bikbulatova
Ye A Shuginina
P A Belkov
N R Khabutdinova
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