Dermatoses of fungal etiology in the anogenital area: errorsin the management and ways to eliminate them

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The article discusses the most prevalent errors in the course of examining and treating patients with dermatoses in the
anogenital area. Different forms of mycoses are diagnosed in 58% of male and 25% of female patients. Isoconazole
(Travogen) demonstrated a high clinical efficacy for the treatment of dermatomycoses due to providing a high skin
concentration of the active ingredient. Travocort, a combination drug comprising isoconazole nitrate and diflucortolone
valerate, was indicated to treat patients with burdened allergic anamnesis and mixed infection (bacterial and fungal
association) at the first stage of treatment to reduce the risk of developing complications in the form of eczematization.

About the authors

A V Ignatovskiy


A V Ignatovsky


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2011 Ignatovskiy A.V., Ignatovsky A.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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