Clinical and economic analysis of administering ustekinumab(stelara) to patients with severe psoriasis
- Authors: Sura MV1, Avksent'eva MV1, Omel'yanovskiy VV1, Kubanova AA1, Sura MV1, Avksentiyeva MV1, Omeliyanovsky VV1, Kubanova AA1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 3 (2011)
- Pages: 63-70
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1020
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(remicade) and adalimumab (humira) for treating patients with severe psoriasis. The clinical efficacy and safety of the
biological drugs were analyzed, and estimated costs for their application as well as cost/efficacy ratio and cost efficacy
increment were calculated. Advantages of ustekinumab vs. etanercept were demonstrated: the costs per one patient
with severe psoriasis turned out to be less with the achieved positive effect. When the cost/efficacy ratio was calculated,
the economic advantages of ustekinumab vs. infliximab were established beginning with Weeks 24-28 of the therapy
(according to the results of individual studies, as early as beginning with Week 10 of the therapy). The economic
advantage of ustekinumab vs. adalimumab increases by Week 52 of the therapy. The calculations of the cost efficacy
increment proved that ustekinumab was more efficient than infliximab both in the short (Weeks 10-12 of the therapy)
and long run (Weeks 50-52) and more efficient than adalimumab in the long run (Week 52 of the therapy).
About the authors
M V Sura
M V Avksent'eva
V V Omel'yanovskiy
A A Kubanova
M V Sura
M V Avksentiyeva
V V Omeliyanovsky
A A Kubanova
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