A comparative appraisal of the efficacy of different rosaceatreatment methods

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There was a comparative appraisal of the efficacy of different papulopustular rosacea treatment methods: systemic
administration of metronidazole, doxycycline hydrochloride and isotretinoin.
The therapy efficacy was appraised based on the dynamics of the indices on the rosacea diagnostics scale in 98 patients
suffering from papulopustular rosacea.
Retinoid proved to be of maximum efficacy, which was confirmed by a more intense decrease in the indices on the
rosacea diagnostics scale with a high share of remission patients.
Conclusion: Isotretinoin has the maximum anti-inflammatory efficacy for treating patients with papulopustular rosacea.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Perlamutrov Y.N., Saydalieva V.S., Ol'khovskaya K.B., Perlamutrov Y.N., Saidaliyeva V.S., Olkhovskaya K.B.

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