Modern immunochromatographic methods for determination of anti-treponema pallidum antigenantibodies
- Authors: Rotanov SV1, Osmanova SR1, Rotanov SV1, Osmanova SR1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 4 (2011)
- Pages: 20-24
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.08.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1029
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The authors present a review of research publications about clinical significance of using modern
immunochromatographic methods for determination of anti-immunodominant antigen antibodies of syphilis pathogen
Treponema pallidum.
Immunochromatographic sets of chemicals proved to be convenient in use, can be used with a small amount of biological
materials, do not demand any specialized medical equipment, have high sensitivity and specificity, in particular, for
tests with blood serum or plasma samples; when whole blood samples are used, this reduces the method sensitivity.
Immunochromatographic tests are intended for prompt express examination of the population to reveal syphilis patients
under field conditions or at medical institutions consulting primary patients and not having their own clinical laboratories.
immunochromatographic methods for determination of anti-immunodominant antigen antibodies of syphilis pathogen
Treponema pallidum.
Immunochromatographic sets of chemicals proved to be convenient in use, can be used with a small amount of biological
materials, do not demand any specialized medical equipment, have high sensitivity and specificity, in particular, for
tests with blood serum or plasma samples; when whole blood samples are used, this reduces the method sensitivity.
Immunochromatographic tests are intended for prompt express examination of the population to reveal syphilis patients
under field conditions or at medical institutions consulting primary patients and not having their own clinical laboratories.
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