Algorithm for external treatment of dermatoses of mixed etiology
- Authors: Belousova TA1, Goryachkina MV1, BELOUSOVA TA1, GORYACHKINA MV1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 5 (2011)
- Pages: 138-144
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.10.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1084
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There has been an increase in the number of dermatology patients suffering from several concomitant skin diseases
of different etiology for the past decade. A special term - dermatoses of mixed etiology (DME) - was suggested to
describe this group of diseases. According to the authors, long-term uninterrupted treatment with one-component topical
drugs or unreasonable administration of three-component combination agents is the most frequent reason for DME.
The authors describe their positive experience of administering Travocort as a part of DME treatment. The effect of the
drug was observed as early as on the second day of its administration: there was an active regression of hyperemia,
edemas and skin oozing lesions in the foci. Itching and stinging disappeared almost completely, which also alleviated
the patients condition. On Days 3-4, no formation of new vesicles was observed, there were no oozing lesions, and
erosion cuticularization began on an active basis. Therefore, Travocort is a highly efficient drug for treatment of infectious
dermatoses complicated with eczematization as well as chronic inflammatory diseases exacerbated by a concomitant
fungous and bacterial infection.
of different etiology for the past decade. A special term - dermatoses of mixed etiology (DME) - was suggested to
describe this group of diseases. According to the authors, long-term uninterrupted treatment with one-component topical
drugs or unreasonable administration of three-component combination agents is the most frequent reason for DME.
The authors describe their positive experience of administering Travocort as a part of DME treatment. The effect of the
drug was observed as early as on the second day of its administration: there was an active regression of hyperemia,
edemas and skin oozing lesions in the foci. Itching and stinging disappeared almost completely, which also alleviated
the patients condition. On Days 3-4, no formation of new vesicles was observed, there were no oozing lesions, and
erosion cuticularization began on an active basis. Therefore, Travocort is a highly efficient drug for treatment of infectious
dermatoses complicated with eczematization as well as chronic inflammatory diseases exacerbated by a concomitant
fungous and bacterial infection.
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