Vol 87, No 5 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Published: 15.10.2011
- Articles: 23
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/69

Efficiency of information technologies in the process of rendering specialized dermatovenerologicalaid to the population of the Russian Federation
The authors present the results of a detailed analysis of information and telecommunications resources of regional
dermatovenerological institutions, describe major principles for establishing a common information system in the health
care system of the Russian Federation, and substantiate organizational and medical efficiency of introduction of an
information analytical system for monitoring the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):24-31

Specialized teenager centers for prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections: resultsof operations and prospects of development
The authors describe an experience of organizing specialized centers for teenagers dealing with prevention and treatment
of sexually transmitted infections, cover major principles of rendering medical aid to underage patients suffering from
urogenital infectious diseases, and describe major prevention activities of specialized centers operating in subjects of the
Russian Federation.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):32-40

Up-to-date non-invasive visualization technologies in dermatology
The authors present a review of up-to-date non-invasive visualization methods used in diagnostics of diseases of skin
and its appendages. They describe physical principles forming the basis for non-invasive visualization methods such
as dermatoscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, optical video monitoring, optical topometry, optical coherent
tomography, ultrasound scanning, 3D-modeling. They also describe the potential of practical application of these diagnostics
methods at the current stage of their development. The authors have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the clinicians
need in biopsy diagnostics due to the high information value of non-invasive visual diagnostics methods.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):41-52

Modern approaches and prospects of development of laboratory diagnostics for sexuallytransmitted infections
The authors provide a comparison of modern approaches to the use of well-known laboratory methods for diagnostics of
syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and urogenital clamidiosis, which are approved in the world science and practice.
They also examine promising directions in the development of up-to-date laboratory technologies (biomicrochips,
multiprimer PCR, mass spectrometry, PLEX-ID technology, immunoblotting, chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA),
xMAP, pyrosequencing) for detecting STD pathogens, which is necessary to make an etiological diagnosis and determine
efficient methods of treatment minimizing the period of time required for examination of patients.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):54-63

Markers of efficacy of Infliximab in psoriasis patients
The article presents the results of molecular and genetic studies aimed at determination of molecular markers for forecasting
the clinical response of psoriasis patients to treatment with Infliximab. The authors revealed that it is possible to forecast
high efficacy of treatment with Infliximab in case TT genotype is revealed at the 676 locus of exon 6 of the TNF-RII gene and
IL-10 is present in the blood serum prior to the onset of treatment in the amount of more than 2.7 pg/ml.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):64-69

The role of T-regulatory cells in the pathogenesis of psoriasis
T-regulatory cells control the strength and duration of immune response and play an important role in the pathogenesis of
psoriasis. The goal of the study was to examine the content of T-regulatory cells in peripheral blood and affected skin of
psoriasis patients, the level of FOXP3 mRNA expression in psoriatic skin. Determination of subpopulations of T-regulatory
lymphocytes in peripheral blood was performed using flow cytometry. The median level of FOXP3 mRNA expression was
determined in biopsies of the skin by PCR in real time. Immunohistochemistry was performed with monoclonal anti-
FOXP3 antibodies. Revealed an increase in the relative content of T-regulatory cells in the peripheral blood of patients with
psoriasis in the progressive period, compared with healthy people. The level of FOXP3 mRNA expression in psoriatic foci
was 3.1 times higher than in healthy individuals. Was noted a 10-fold increase in the number of T-regulatory lymphocytes
in the skin of psoriasis patients in the progressive period, compared with skin from healthy donors.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):78-85

Changes in the hormonal status of patients with focal psoriasis vulgaris
Cell differentiation affections substantiate the urgency of the problem related to studying mutual impact of primary or
secondary endocrine pathology and hyperproliferative skin diseases. Psoriasis is one of the most demonstrative pathologies
for this study for being a prevalent and genetically predetermined disease with a chronic and relapsing course characterized
by increased proliferation of keratinocytes, abnormal differentiation process of epidermis cells, inflammatory and immune
changes in derma, and dyshormonal disorders are among factors triggering the disease. The study involved 61 male patients.
The study group (n = 43) comprised patients with circumscribed psoriasis vulgaris at the progression stage while the control
group (n = 18) comprised healthy people. Blood concentration of such hormones as prolactin and cortisone was assessed
by the immune-enzyme assay method. An increased cortisone concentration in patients suffering from psoriasis vs. control
group was revealed. Psoriatic patients tend to have an increased prolactin level.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):88-90

Development of the molecular typing protocol for C. Trachomatis based on the sequencing of ompa,pbpb, ct046, ct058, ct144, ct172 genes
The article is devoted to the development and validation of a standard operating procedure entitled «Molecular typing
of С. trachomatis for assessment of the clonal structure and extent of genetic diversity of С. trachomatis strains
circulating in the territory of the Russian Federation.» The studies that involved the typing of C. trachomatis strains
obtained from regions of the Russian Federation with the use of six c. trachomatis genes (ompA, СТ046, cT058, cT144,
cT172 and pbpB) revealed their significant heterogenicity with the prevalence of the E serotype. However, the typing of
c. trachomatis for six genes at one time seems to be too time-consuming and long-lasting and is hard to be interpreted,
which explains the need to develop other typing protocols using a smaller number of relevant genes (not more than two
or three - by analogy with NG-MAST).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):91-97

Problems with differential diagnostics of seborrheic dermatitis and plaque psoriasis by the exampleof a particular case study
A clinical case of psoriasis with involvement of scalp and armpits areas is presented. Differential diagnosis was made
between psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. The diagnosis of psoriasis was confirmed morphologically. Mometasone
furoate lotion was selected for topical therapy of intertriginous areas (armpits), and the symptoms were eliminated after
one week of treatment. For the reason of extensive scaling, betametasone plus salicylic acid lotion was administered to
the scalp area, with significant symptoms improvement by 14th day of treatment. This case illustrates the importance of
proper choice of the form of therapy, namely, topical steroid - mometasone furoate, with proper consideration of the
characteristics and localization of inflammatory process.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):98-

Characteristics of the course of atopic dermatitis in children residing under conditions ofanthropogenic pollution
Goal: to assess the impact of environmentally hazardous factors on the formation of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children.
Materials and methods: 108 children aged 1-18 were engaged in the study. The AD severity was analyzed based on the
SCORAD index, data from the medical history and frequency of development of complications in children depending
on the place of their residence. The elemental composition of hair was analyzed to assess the impact of anthropogenic
pollution on childrens organisms. The Southeastern Administrative District (SEAD), which is unfavorable in terms of
ecologic environment, and Western Administrative District (WAD) in Moscow, which is free of any human-induced
pollution, were chosen as comparison areas.
Results: More severe forms of AD in terms of clinical manifestations prevailed in children residing in the SEAD. The number of
exacerbations per year was three times as high as the same index in children from the WAD, and there was no trend towards
seasonality. The course of AD in children permanently residing in the district with human-induced pollution was characterized by
complications with the accumulation of toxic elements in hair against the background of deficiency of essential elements as well
as increased elimination of calcium from organisms resulting in low adaptive regulatory mechanisms.
Conclusion: when children suffering from AD reside in a highly polluted area on a regular basis, this results in chronic
intoxication of their organisms with heavy metals, which leads to deficiency of essential elements, reduction of adaptive
mechanisms and severe course of dermatitis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):102-107

A rare case study of a female patient suffering from Kyrle disease (hyperkeratosis follicularis etparafollicularis in cutem penetrans)
The article presents a literature review and case study of a rare form of dermatitis in a female patient aged 61 - Kyrle
disease (hyperkeratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in cutem penetrans). It also provides a detailed description of the
clinical picture and differential diagnostics of the disease. The following typical changes were observed based on the
results of histological examination: epidermic invaginations filled with corneous masses and areas of focal parakeratosis.
Essential improvement in skin process dynamics was achieved against the background of treatment with Acitretin.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):108-

Sinus histiocytosis (Rosai-Dorfman disease): a clinical observation
The authors characterized a heterogeneous group of a rare disease - Langerhans and non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis,
and analyzed key differential and diagnostic differences between these forms of the disease. A very rare case of non-
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (Rosai-Dorfman disease) in a female patient aged 63 with the subsequent spontaneous
regression of eruptions was described. Key skin manifestations of the Rosai-Dorfman disease included papular eruptions
of the typical intense pink color with a yellowish and brown tint. Morphologic changes were characterized by proliferation
of histiocytes and accumulation of different lipids and pentalamellar markers (S-100 protein, СD 14, СD 68, lysozyme)
in their cytoplasm. Though the Rosai-Dorfman disease usually involves lymph nodes, this case was characterized by
unaffected nodular structures.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):115-120

What is a combination treatment and how it may be used in onychomycosis
Combination treatment of onychomycosis is based on supplementation of systemic antifungal therapy with different
topical techniques, which now include antifungal nail lacquers. Controversies in establishing potential and efficacy of
combination treatment in onychomycosis may be overcome by rational administration of any treatment modality after
careful evaluation of both the disease and the patient. Application of antifungal nail varnishes such as 8% ciclopirox
offers several benefits in treating onychomycosis. With improved efficacy and safety, onychomycosis combination
therapy appears to be less expensive and more reliable in terms of reduced rates of relapse and re-infection. Russian
and international clinical trials and studies with ciclopirox nail lacquer have revealed the indications and proved the high
effectiveness of certain algorithms of combination treatment.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):125-130

Innovative therapy of severe forms of acne
Цель: определение эффективности и безопасности препарата Акнекутан при лечении тяжелых и резистентных
к другим методам лечения форм акне.
Материал и методы. Под наблюдением находились 25 больных акне тяжелой степени и резистентных к другим
методам лечения, которые получали в качестве монотерапии препарат Акнекутан. Эффективность и безопасность
проводимой терапии оценивались на основании динамики показателей дерматологического индекса акне (ДИА),
себуметрии и биохимического исследования крови.
Результаты. Применение Акнекутана способствовало достижению полной клинической ремиссии у 92% больных
и выраженному клиническому улучшению у 2% пациентов со снижением продукции кожного сала.
Заключение. Акнекутан обладает высокой эффективностью и хорошей переносимостью при лечении тяжелых
и персистирующих форм акне.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):132-136

Algorithm for external treatment of dermatoses of mixed etiology
There has been an increase in the number of dermatology patients suffering from several concomitant skin diseases
of different etiology for the past decade. A special term - dermatoses of mixed etiology (DME) - was suggested to
describe this group of diseases. According to the authors, long-term uninterrupted treatment with one-component topical
drugs or unreasonable administration of three-component combination agents is the most frequent reason for DME.
The authors describe their positive experience of administering Travocort as a part of DME treatment. The effect of the
drug was observed as early as on the second day of its administration: there was an active regression of hyperemia,
edemas and skin oozing lesions in the foci. Itching and stinging disappeared almost completely, which also alleviated
the patients condition. On Days 3-4, no formation of new vesicles was observed, there were no oozing lesions, and
erosion cuticularization began on an active basis. Therefore, Travocort is a highly efficient drug for treatment of infectious
dermatoses complicated with eczematization as well as chronic inflammatory diseases exacerbated by a concomitant
fungous and bacterial infection.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):138-144

Immunotherapy with isoprinosine as an adjuvant or independent method of treatment for patientswith papilloma viral infection
Isoprinosine (an immunotropic drug) has been well-known since the 1970s and is registered in most European countries.
One of indications for its use is treatment of patients with papilloma viral infection. This article describes methods
and efficacy of using Isoprinosine for such patients. The drug is administered as an adjuvant therapy in addition to
destructive treatment methods or as a monotherapy. The literature review given in the article shows that the use of
Isoprinosine increases the efficacy of destructive treatment methods, reduces the frequency of recurrences, normalizes
the morphological picture of exocervix and endocervix, and results in the termination of the release of human papilloma
virus from lesions.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):146-151

Effect of the mesotherapy with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream on age-related changes in skin
Sixty women (average age: 44.8+1,1) underwent examination with the use of Skin XP Pro software, laser Doppler
flowmetry and CAH psychological test for assessment of the effect of mesotherapy (MT) with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream
on age-related changes in facial skin. A course of MT with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream, which was applied prior to and
after mesotherapy, as well as Ubichinon Compositum and Placenta Compositum resulted in an evident reduction in the
intensity of wrinkles, increase in the level of elasticity and hydration as well as normalization of the level of skin oiliness.
The use of Ekyced P.I. regenerating cream resulted in a considerable reduction in the frequency of development of MT
side effects such as edemas, erythema, purpura. Mesotherapy with the use of Ekyced P.I. in women older than 45 was
accompanied by a more evident increase in the level of skin hydration and elasticity than in women younger than 45.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(5):155-159