Effect of the mesotherapy with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream on age-related changes in skin

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Sixty women (average age: 44.8+1,1) underwent examination with the use of Skin XP Pro software, laser Doppler
flowmetry and CAH psychological test for assessment of the effect of mesotherapy (MT) with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream
on age-related changes in facial skin. A course of MT with the use of Ekyced P.I. cream, which was applied prior to and
after mesotherapy, as well as Ubichinon Compositum and Placenta Compositum resulted in an evident reduction in the
intensity of wrinkles, increase in the level of elasticity and hydration as well as normalization of the level of skin oiliness.
The use of Ekyced P.I. regenerating cream resulted in a considerable reduction in the frequency of development of MT
side effects such as edemas, erythema, purpura. Mesotherapy with the use of Ekyced P.I. in women older than 45 was
accompanied by a more evident increase in the level of skin hydration and elasticity than in women younger than 45.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Rozhanets A.R., mesotherapy with the use of Ekyced P.R.

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