Clinical efficiency of the Demoten gel for complex treatment and prevention of demodectic mangeand rosacea
- Authors: Sirmays NS1, Ustinov MV1, SIRMAIS NS1, USTINOV MV1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 6 (2011)
- Pages: 85-90
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 1096
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The assessment of the efficiency of different treatment methods and effect of the Demoten gel on the monotherapy and
complex treatment of rosacea and demodectic mange was conducted based on the dynamics of indices for both clinical
picture and subjective sensations. The study involved 57 patients. It was shown that the Demoten gel used in a complex
therapy of demodectic mange and papulopustular rosacea can reduce the drug treatment period, prolong the positive
effect of treatment and extend the remission period when the gel is used for prevention purposes.
complex treatment of rosacea and demodectic mange was conducted based on the dynamics of indices for both clinical
picture and subjective sensations. The study involved 57 patients. It was shown that the Demoten gel used in a complex
therapy of demodectic mange and papulopustular rosacea can reduce the drug treatment period, prolong the positive
effect of treatment and extend the remission period when the gel is used for prevention purposes.
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