System of independent evaluation (confirmation) of correspondence of perfumes and cosmetics in the Russian Federation
- Authors: Petrova N.P.1, Rezaikina A.V.1, Rotanov S.V.1
- State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 91, No 6 (2015)
- Pages: 90-96
- Submitted: 24.08.2017
- Published: 24.12.2015
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 204
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Purpose. Efficiency analysis of measures to determine the safety of samples of perfumes and cosmetics and quality of clinical and laboratory studies conducted by the test centre FGU “GNTSDK” under Ministry of Medicine, RF. Materials and methods. When evaluating the safety of tested samples of perfumes and cosmetics microbiological, physical and chemical, toxicological and clinical identification criteria were used. Investigation results of the samples were studied representing a total of about 80 thousand samples delivered to the ITS “GNTSDK” between 2012 and November 2015. Results and conclusion. Statistical processing of all kinds of studies makes it possible to arrive at a conclusion about the stability of tested volume at ITS “GNTSDK” within the period of 2012 - 2015. The analysis of certain types of tests shows the absence of negative dynamics of studies made which does not exclude a certain variation of frequency of using each method. The dynamics of conducting tests reflects the relevancy and efficiency of the centre activities in the service market.
About the authors
N. P. Petrova
State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
A. V. Rezaikina
State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
S. V. Rotanov
State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
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