Psoriasis: clinical and epidemiological features and therapy issues
- Authors: Bakulev A.L.1, Fitileva T.V.2, Novodezerkina E.А.2, Gilloteau I.3, Tian Н.4, Howe T.5, Pietri G.6
- Saratov State Medical Universit y of the Ministr y of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
- Provyantskaya str., 22, Saratov, 410028
- Novartis Pharma AG
- Novartis Pharmaceuticals Co
- GfK Company
- Data Pyxis Ltd
- Issue: Vol 94, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 67-76
- Submitted: 23.08.2018
- Accepted: 23.08.2018
- Published: 23.07.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 407
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Aim. This study sets out to establish the demographic and clinical features of psoriasis and its co-morbidities; to describe approaches to treating patients in Russia, to whom the systemic therapy of drugs has been recommended; to assess the effects of this dermatosis on the patients' quality of life and work productivity; to assess the degree of consistency between dermatologists' and patients' estimates concerning the severity of the disease, complaints/objective manifestations and treatment satisfaction.
Methods. Data from the GfK Disease Atlas was used. This ATLAS was filed within a global programme Growth from Knowledge that collected reliable data in the context of everyday clinical practice in 9 countries. The paper presents the results solely for the Russian sample. The study involved patients with moderate or severe psoriasis who were receiving systemic therapy for this disease. Using specially developed forms, ATLAS specialists registered data about patients, their disease and received treatment. The patients affected by psoriasis, who participated in the study, were questioned about their disease. Dermatologists assessed the severity of psoriasis, the patients' complaints, co-morbidities and received treatment. The patients completed questionnaires aimed at assessing the quality of their life [Dermatology Life Quality Index, DLQI] and their work productivity [Work Productivity and Activity Impairment, WPAI]. The concordance between the patients' and the dermatologists' estimates was assessed using Cohen's kappa coefficient.
Results. Overall, 3,821 patients participated in the ATLAS programme, out of whom 300 patients were Russians. The average time since psoriasis diagnosis amounted to 9.9 years. 51 % of the patients complained about itching in the lesion areas. Psoriatic arthritis was registered in 19 % of the cases. Among co-morbidities, anxiety or depression was most often recorded (11 %, respectively). The proportion of patients with pruritus and related comorbid conditions increased with psoriasis severity. The disease negatively affected the quality of patients’ life (the average value of DLQI was 7.1) and their work productivity (a decrease in the work productivity reached 33.2 %), with these indicators deteriorating with psoriasis severity. Despite the dominance of moderate and severe psoriasis forms among the participants, 60 % of the patients received therapy only with topical medications. The concordance rate between the patients and the dermatologists concerning the estimation of psoriasis severity and treatment satisfaction was low.
Conclusion. Despite the therapy with systemic drugs, the patients' quality of life affected by severe or moderate psoriasis forms remained low. The consistency between the views on the treatment success between the patients and the dermatologists was low.
About the authors
A. L. Bakulev
Saratov State Medical Universit y of the Ministr y of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Andrey L. Bakulev — Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Prof., Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology
Provyantskaya str., 22, Saratov, 410028
РоссияT. V. Fitileva
Provyantskaya str., 22, Saratov, 410028
Tat’yana V. Fitileva — Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Head of the Specialized Drugs Department
Leningradskiy prospekt, 72, bldg 3, Moscow, 125315
РоссияE. А. Novodezerkina
Provyantskaya str., 22, Saratov, 410028
Evgeniya A. Novodezerkina — Medical Advisor
Leningradskiy prospekt, 72, bldg 3, Moscow, 125315
РоссияI. Gilloteau
Novartis Pharma AG
Isabel Gilloteau — Director, Department of Pharmacoeconomics, Business Section of Immunology and Dermatology
Fabrikshtrasse, 2, Basel, 4056
ШвейцарияН. Tian
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Co
Haijun Tian — Manager
Health Plaza, 1, East Hannover, 07936, New Jersey
СШАT. Howe
GfK Company
Tanya Howe — Manager
Canada Square, 25, London, E14 5AB
ВеликобританияG. Pietri
Data Pyxis Ltd
Guilhem Pietri — Manager
Arthur Avenue, 13, St. Albans, AL1 1NS, Hertfordshire
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