Form № 089/u-kv as the main tool of statistical accounting dermatovenereologist: basics of proper registration
- Authors: Juchkov M.V.1, Tarasova M.A.1, Sonin D.B.1
- State Budget Institution Ryazan region «Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic dispensary»
- Issue: Vol 90, No 4 (2014)
- Pages: 12-18
- Submitted: 24.08.2017
- Published: 24.08.2014
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 46
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An integral part of the physician practices in modern conditions is the proper design and provision of appropriate scientific accounting and reporting of statistical information. One of the main tools of statistical accounting in dermatovenerology is the form № 089/u-kv. This account form of statistical observations in the practice of dermatologist, as well as other professionals who have the right to provide it, always causes some difficulties in the process of clearance and the order of granting. Accordingly the intention of this article is the explanation of certain provisions of guidelines for completing the form № 089/u-kv.
About the authors
M. V. Juchkov
State Budget Institution Ryazan region «Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic dispensary»
Author for correspondence.
M. A. Tarasova
State Budget Institution Ryazan region «Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic dispensary»
D. B. Sonin
State Budget Institution Ryazan region «Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic dispensary»
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