Acne from the point of view of dermatologists and cosmetologists
- Authors: Katkhanova O.A.1, Katkhanov M.A.2
- Kuban State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 90, No 4 (2014)
- Pages: 75-82
- Submitted: 24.08.2017
- Published: 24.08.2014
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 55
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Goal. To compare approaches taken by dermatologists and cosmetologists to management of patients suffering from acne taking into consideration the clinical picture of the disease and patient’s age and sex, and to assess the efficacy and safety of an external therapy with azelaic acid in acne patients. Materials and methods. A study conducted by the MIR-O-MED Clinic involved 300 patients aged 14-48 with different forms of acne of different severity. To analyze particular features of the clinical picture of acne as well as age and sex differences in acne patients consulting dermatologists and cosmetologists, researchers collected statistics on the basis of primary medical documents, and then grouped the data by principal and additional indices. Both dermatologists and cosmetologists recommended azelaic acid in the form of a monotherapy and in a combination with cosmetic products as first-line treatment of primary acne patients. The efficacy and safety of an external therapy of acne patients with azelaic acid was assessed. Results. Clinical recovery and considerable clinical improvement was achieved in 94% of the patients who received an external therapy with azelaic acid. Conclusion. A lack of contradictions in coordinated measures taken by cosmetologists and dermatologists predetermines the correct order and combination of basic treatment measures involving tolerable and timely cosmetic correction, which is a prerequisite for solving the acne problem. Azelaic acid used by these categories of physicians for treatment of acne patients substantially improves the quality and efficacy of therapeutic measures.
About the authors
O. A. Katkhanova
Kuban State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
M. A. Katkhanov
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