Sexual dysfunctions in men suffering from sexually transmitted infections
- Authors: Rakhmatullina MR1, Filon OF2
- State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Health Care of the Russian Federation
- Polyclinic of the Culture Center of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 89, No 2 (2013)
- Pages: 33-41
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.04.2013
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 564
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The authors present the results of a clinical, laboratory and sex study of patients suffering from sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and sexual dysfunctions. Goal. To study clinical features and risk factors related to the development of sexual dysfunctions in men suffering from STDs. Materials and methods. The study involved 106 men suffering from STDs, who were subdivided into the principal (patients with sexual dysfunctions) and control (patients without any sexual dysfunctions) groups. All of the subjects underwent clinical, laboratory (identification of pathogens causing STDs as well as opportunistic microorganisms) and instrumental (transrectal ultrasonic examination of the prostate) examinations. The sex study was conducted using the male sexual formula (MSF) quantification scale and Marriage Satisfaction questionnaire prepared by V.B. Stolin, T.L. Romanov and G.T. Butenko; sex constitution was assessed by using the Vector Scale for Determining the Male Sex Constitution. Results. The study revealed that both men suffering from STDs and men suffering from urogenital diseases caused by opportunistic microbial flora can develop sexual dysfunctions. A reliable difference in the structure of sexual pathologies in the subjects was established: predomination of isolated sexual dysfunctions in primary patients with sexual dysfunctions and prevalence of concomitant disorders in patients with sexual dysfunctions in the past medical history. Neurohumoral premorbidity (weak and weakened sex constitution) and disharmonious relations between sex partners were proved to be the key reasons of sexual disorders in patients with STDs. Conclusion. The established reasons and particular features of sexual disorders in patients with STDs need to be taken into consideration when examining patients for the purposes of early diagnostics and prevention of these disorders as well as for referring the patients to sexologist and/or psychotherapist on a timely basis.
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Сексуальные дисфункции у мужчин, больных инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем×
About the authors
M R Rakhmatullina
State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Health Care of the Russian Federation
Korolenko str. 3, bldg 6, 107076, Moscow, Russia
O F Filon
Polyclinic of the Culture Center of Armed Forces of the Russian FederationSuvorov Square bldg 2/4, 129110, Moscow, Russia
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