Vol 89, No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Published: 15.04.2013
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/44

Correlation of polymorphisms in genes coding cytokines TNF-α, IL-10, MBL2, IFN-γ and IL-6 with complicated course of urogenital chlamydial infection in men
Goal. To develop a personified approach to the management of men with the urogenital chlamydia infection based on studying the molecular and genetic risk factors of the development of complications. Materials and methods. Patients with the urogenital chlamydia infection (20 men with the urogenital chlamydia infection of the lower urogenital tract and 20 men with complicated forms of the urogenital chlamydia infection) and men without any clinical or laboratory signs of STDs and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. The following methods were used in the study: anamnestic, clinical, instrumental (transrectal ultrasonography) and laboratory (microscopic, bacteriological, molecular and biological (PCR, SNaPshot)). Results. According to the study results, the share of cases of ureteritis caused by C. trachomatis amounted to 10.5% of the total share of cases of ureteritis and 13.0% of cases of non-gonococcal ureteritis. The percentage of complicated urogenital diseases caused by C. trachomatis amounted to 34.5% of the total share of complicated forms and 35.7% of noncomplicated forms of the non-gonococcal origin. Subjective clinical signs of complicated forms of the chlamydia infection did not have any reliable distinctions from those observed in case of non-complicated forms of the disease; the infectious process caused by C. trachomatis was characterized by the absence of leukocytosis in the urethra in 30.0% of men with both non-complicated and complicated forms of the disease. The study of the polymorphism of cytokine genes revealed that the CC genotype of IL-6 gene at the -174 locus can serve as a molecular predictor of the complicated course of urogenital chlamydiosis in men while the GC genotype of IL-6 gene at the -174 locus can serve as a molecular predictor of the non-complicated course of urogenital chlamydiosis in men. Based on these results, the authors developed an algorithm for a differential approach to the management of patients suffering from chlamydia infection. Conclusion. A differential approach to the management of men with the urogenital chlamydia infection depending on the molecular predictor of the complicated course of the disease was developed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):24-32

Sexual dysfunctions in men suffering from sexually transmitted infections
The authors present the results of a clinical, laboratory and sex study of patients suffering from sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and sexual dysfunctions. Goal. To study clinical features and risk factors related to the development of sexual dysfunctions in men suffering from STDs. Materials and methods. The study involved 106 men suffering from STDs, who were subdivided into the principal (patients with sexual dysfunctions) and control (patients without any sexual dysfunctions) groups. All of the subjects underwent clinical, laboratory (identification of pathogens causing STDs as well as opportunistic microorganisms) and instrumental (transrectal ultrasonic examination of the prostate) examinations. The sex study was conducted using the male sexual formula (MSF) quantification scale and Marriage Satisfaction questionnaire prepared by V.B. Stolin, T.L. Romanov and G.T. Butenko; sex constitution was assessed by using the Vector Scale for Determining the Male Sex Constitution. Results. The study revealed that both men suffering from STDs and men suffering from urogenital diseases caused by opportunistic microbial flora can develop sexual dysfunctions. A reliable difference in the structure of sexual pathologies in the subjects was established: predomination of isolated sexual dysfunctions in primary patients with sexual dysfunctions and prevalence of concomitant disorders in patients with sexual dysfunctions in the past medical history. Neurohumoral premorbidity (weak and weakened sex constitution) and disharmonious relations between sex partners were proved to be the key reasons of sexual disorders in patients with STDs. Conclusion. The established reasons and particular features of sexual disorders in patients with STDs need to be taken into consideration when examining patients for the purposes of early diagnostics and prevention of these disorders as well as for referring the patients to sexologist and/or psychotherapist on a timely basis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):33-41

Current approaches to the treatment of vulvovaginitis caused by opportunistic microorganisms taking into consideration the antibacterial resistance of infectious agents
Goal of the study. To study the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vaginal microcenosis in women of childbearing potential with vulvovaginitis and determine the sensitivity indices of opportunistic microorganisms being etiological agents of vulvovaginitis concerning antibacterial drugs. Materials and methods. Samples of the vaginal fluid obtained from 264 women (198 patients with clinical and laboratory signs of vulvovaginitis and 66 clinically healthy women) as well as 190 isolates of opportunistic microbial agents were analyzed with the use of microscopic and cultural methods as well as polymerase chain reaction. Results. The authors determined the composition of the vaginal microbiocenosis in women suffering from vulvovaginitis characterized by the prevalence of Corynebacterium spp., E. coli, E. faecalis, S. saprophiticus, K. pneumoniae, S. anginosus, S. agalactiae in the amount exceeding 10 2—10 4 CFU/ml and in associations of four or more microorganisms. The authors revealed that opportunistic microorganisms had the highest sensitivity to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, nitrofuran and ceftriaxone.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):44-52

Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome at the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus
Different autoimmune diseases can result in urticarial eruptions, in particular, in the form of such a rare immune disorder as hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome (HUVS). HUVS can be the debut of diffuse connective tissue disorders, in particular, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To optimize the diagnostics of this syndrome, the authors describe the course of HUVS in a female patient aged 31 suffering from SLE and characterize particular features of the differential diagnostics of HUVS with skin disorders, in the first place, chronic urticaria. The syndrome is diagnosed clinically and confirmed by histology and laboratory examinations. In addition to urticarial eruptions, HUVS is also characterized by the severe course with systemic manifestations on the part of different organs, reduction in the level of the complimentary components in the serum and detection of specific markers of the disease such as anti-C1q antibodies.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):53-61

Skin leiomyoma — clinical observation
The authors describe a clinical observation of quite a rare neoplasm such as back skin leiomyoma in a female patient aged 56. They describe the clinical picture, differential diagnostics and pathohistological picture of the disease. The pain syndrome was arrested due to the treatment with calcium channel blockers in a combination with alpha-blockers.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):62-66

Efficacy of skin care products for acne patients
The article provides information about barrier skin properties in acne patients and analyzes the effects of topical and systemic drugs on the condition of the corneous layer as well as composition of highly specialized lipids and skin fat. It discusses the principles of patient management with the use of basic daily care products.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):67-71

Scalp psoriasis: new potential of the topical therapy
Clobetasol propionate is a potent topical corticosteroid that is widely used for the treatment of scalp psoriasis today. The review provides data obtained as a result of numerous clinical studies meeting the requirements of evidence-based medicine concerning the efficacy and safety of a new drug form — Clobetasol Propionate 0.05% Shampoo. Its short-term administration arrests exacerbations of dermatosis while a long-term proactive therapy prevents the development of new psoriatic eruptions on the sculp. Such issues as cosmetic acceptability and compliance of Clobetasol Propionate Shampoo for patients suffering from the scalp psoriasis are discussed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):73-78

Innovations in the external therapy of acne
Goal. To assess the clinical efficacy of a monotherapy with the use of products belonging to the Hyseac line for the treatment of light acne. Materials and methods. The study involved 28 patients with light acne, who were administered products belonging to the Hyseac line as a monotherapy. The dynamics of the skin processes was assessed visually (S. Liden’s acne general severity scale) and with the use of instrumental methods — sebometry (Callegari SOFT 5.5). Results. High efficacy of the administered therapy was registered in 39% of the subjects, substantial improvement was recorded in 53% of the subjects, improvement — in 8% of the subjects while no effect was registered in 0% of the subjects. Conclusion. The drug demonstrated high clinical efficacy, good tolerance and absence of any adverse effects, which makes it possible to recommend products belonging to the Hyseac line as a monotherapy and concomitant treatment of light acne.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):79-83

On the 90th anniversary of the dermatovenerology service of the Stavropol territory
The article discloses archival materials describing the establishment of the Dermatovenerology Institute and Dispensary in the Stavropol Territory as well as their growth and development. The article includes documents as of the 1920s and present-day photos.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):85-93

L.I. Bogdanovich On the 90th anniversary
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2013;89(2):94-95