Efficacy of skin care products for acne patients
- Authors: Araviyskaya Y.R1, Sokolovsky Y.V1
- Pavlov State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 89, No 2 (2013)
- Pages: 67-71
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.04.2013
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/article/view/572
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv572
- ID: 572
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The article provides information about barrier skin properties in acne patients and analyzes the effects of topical and systemic drugs on the condition of the corneous layer as well as composition of highly specialized lipids and skin fat. It discusses the principles of patient management with the use of basic daily care products.
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Эффективность средств ухода за кожей у больных акне×
About the authors
Ye R Araviyskaya
Pavlov State Medical University
Email: arelenar@mail.ru
Ye V Sokolovsky
Pavlov State Medical University
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