On the 90th anniversary of the dermatovenerology service of the Stavropol territory

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The article discloses archival materials describing the establishment of the Dermatovenerology Institute and Dispensary in the Stavropol Territory as well as their growth and development. The article includes documents as of the 1920s and present-day photos.

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К 90-летию дерматовенерологической службы Ставропольского края

About the authors

M A Zemtsov

Territorial Clinical Dermatovenerology Dispensary

Email: kkkvd@bk.ru
Dostoyevskogo str., bldg 52, 355013, Stavropol, Russia

V V Chebotarev

Stavropol State Medical University

Email: kkkvd@bk.ru
Mira str., bldg 310, 355017, Stavropol, Russia


  1. Ставропольский текст: описания, очерки, исследования. Ставрополь, 2006 г.
  2. Гос. арархивы Ставропольского края, Ставрополь, 1987. — Разделы 6.З.1.2. ЛПУ. 276.
  3. ГАСК, ф. 2795, оп. I д. 16, л. 86.
  4. Chebotarev V.V., Pavlik L.V. History of development of department of a dermatovenereology and cosmetology of the Stavropol state medical academy and Stavropol regional science society of dermatovenerologists. Stavropol, 2008; 69 p.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Zemtsov M.A., Chebotarev V.V.

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