Demodex mites and Malassezia yeast at patients with seborrheic dermatitis
- Issue: Vol 88, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 92-98
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 693
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Target. Studies of dynamics of species diversity and of abundance of Malassezia fungi, аs well as of pimple mites at the skin of patients, suffering from seborrheic dermatitis (SD) at the treatment with activated zinc pyrithione aerosol (ZPA). Маterial and methods. 60 patients with SD were examined. 2 groups were segregated: 1-st (n = 31) - patients with SD, receiving within 4 weeks the AZP therapy; 2-nd (n = 29) - patients with SD, not receiving local therapy. At the examination the gravity of symptoms, the dynamics of skin integument affection was assessed, the mycological skin analysis for Malassezia fungi, as well as the acarological analysis for Demodex mites was performed. Results. 4 kinds of Malassezia were revealed on the skin of patients, suffering with SD disease, with dominating M. globosa (10 7 КОЕ/cm 2). At patients, suffering with SD, 2 kinds of mites were revealed: Demodex: D. brevis and D. folliculorum. D. Brevis was dominating - 65%, D.folliculorum - 26%. After affected sites of the facer skin of patients, suffering from SD, with AZP aerosol within 4 weeks was revealed the statically authentic decrease at the average by a factor of 2 from the number of Malassezia yeast, and the decrease (to 16%) of the frequency of D.brevis reveal, аs well as the complete elimination of D.folliculorum. After the course of therapy with topical AZP aerosol is over the high therapeutic effect is revealed at 90% patients with SD. Opinion. So, AZP aerosol can be recommend to the decrease of the number of Malassezia fungi at Demodex mites at the facial skin of patients, suffering with SD.
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