Vol 88, No 3 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Published: 15.06.2012
- Articles: 24
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/51

Study of the genetic factors predisposing to the development of psoriasis
Many findings confirm the influence of neuropsychic factors on the manifestation and exacerbation of the atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Nowadays it is assumed that by means of neurotransmitters’ secretion the nervous system can influence different processes, including the immune mediated inflammation, which has the key role in the pathogenesis of such dermatosis. The article hereunder contains comprehensive data on prospective trends of following studies of the nervous regulation participation in the pathogenesis of such dermatosis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):22-29

Study of the genetic factors predisposing to the development of psoriasis
Background papers on psoriasis epidemiology, pathogenesis and genetics are presented. Special attention is given to genetic factors of the aptitude to psoriasis development. Were analysed researches, dedicated to the genome-wide screening of associations of polymorphic genetic locus with psoriasis development. Obtained results allow to reveal pathogenic psoriasis mechanisms, to forecast the character of the clinical course of the disease, as well as the efficiency of therapy and forecast the risk of psoriasis origination at patient’s relatives.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):30-38

Pemphigus pathogenesis: problems and prospects
Provides the survey of most prospective trends of research of the pathogenesis of the true acantholytic pemphigus. Cites key results of studies of factors of genetic predisposition to the development of this bullous dermatosis. Highlights problems of studies of the role of antiself antibodies and self-antigens in pemphigus pathogenesis. Represents the apoptolyse theory, explaining mechanisms of the loss of link between keratinocytes. Discusses issues of the cellular regulation of autoimmune reactions at acantholytic pemphigus.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):40-47

TLR - possible molecular target for biologic psoriasis therapy
Target: studies of 2, 4, 9 types of TLR in the affected skin of patients with psoriasis with evaluation of morphometric indices. Маterial and methods. Immunohistochemical skin research at 15 patients, suffering from psoriasis (12 women and 18 men) in the age of 19-68 y.o. and at 10 healthy trial subjects. Results. The increased expression of TLR2 и TLR4 was revealed in the skin patients, suffering from psoriasis. Opinions. This fact enlarges considerably psoriasis pathogenesis perceptions and determines the new vector of research, forwarded to the search of the ethologic factor, as well as the optimization of existing methods of the systemic psoriasis therapy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):55-57

Role of CD11c-positive dendrite cells in the psoriasis pathogenesis
The immune response, developing with psoriasis relapse, starts from the concentration of activated myeloid dendrite cells, being the main source of the necrosis factor of α -tumor in the area of originating papula. Target: studies of the number of sub-populations of dendrite cells in skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis in different periods of the disease. Маterial and methods. Skin biopsy samples of 43 patients, suffering from psoriasis vulgaris and skin biopsy samples of 16 healthy people have been studied. The skin immunohistochemistry with use of anti-CD11c, CD83 and CD3 аntibodies was performed. Results. The number of CD11c+ and CD83+ dendrite cells in the skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis in the progressing period was 11,2 and 7,8 times more than in the skin of healthy individuals and 3,0 and 2,4 times more than at patients, suffering from psoriasis during remission accordingly. Opinions. In the skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis, during remission at the place of the delivered psoriatic papule the number of CD83+, CD11c+ dendrite cells and CD3+ lymphocytes exceeds its number in the healthy skin, and the ratio of these cells and its localization in the lesion focuses differ from the skin of healthy people.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):58-64

Issues of efficiency and safety of immunomodulating therapy in the treatment of the chlamydial and herpetic infection of the urogenital tract
Target: to give the clinical and immunologic evaluation of the combined chlamydial and herpetic infection of the urogenital tract and to study the possibility of the immunomodulating therapy at this category of patients. Маterial and methods The open short term prospective randomized clinical and immunologic study comprises 93 women of reproductive age, suffering from chlamydial and herpetic infection of the low section of the reproductive tract. Besides the basic therapy (acyclovir 200 mg 5 times a day No7, azithromycin 1,0 No 1) the index group (n=52) received such immunomodulator as tiloron, the basic therapy group (n=4) received only basic therapy. The experimental group (n=50) comprised apparently healthy women, selected during prophylactic examinations. Results. After the monthly treatment in the experimental group Chlamydia was revealed at 12,1%, HSV at 9,7% of women. In the index group it was 1,9 and 3,8% accordingly. At the repeated control after a month in the index group Chlamydia was not revealed at у 98%, HSV - at 96,1%. It was 87,8 and 80,5% in the experimental group accordingly (р<0,05). Opinions. Demonstration of the high clinical, immunologic and ethologic efficiency of the comprehensive therapy with use of tiloron.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):65-70

Volf’s isotopic response
The term of “isotopic response” was offered by R. Wolf and co-authors in 1995 and means the development of the new dermatosis at the place of already existing initial one, which has already regressed and is not directly referred to the first one. The article describes the essence of the phenomena and most important clinical cases. Such pathogenic mechanisms as viral, immunologic, vascular, neurogenic theory are being discussed, as well as the immunocompromised site concept. The commonality and the difference of the isotopic response and of the isomorphic Kobner’s phenomenon are being analyzed. Two clinical cases are provided.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):71-76

Harlequin ichtyosis (harlequin fetus): case description
Harlequin ichtyosis was observed at a girl, who managed to survive till 4 months age. Results of postmortem examination were presented. Diagnostic criteria were described, issues of prenatal diagnostics and treatment opportunities are being discussed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):80-85

Comparative research of clinical efficience of 3% TeTracycline ointment and 2% of mupirocin ointment in pyoderma therapy
Pyodermas are infectious skin diseases, prevailing in morbidity patterns of all categories of RF military men. The optimal etiotropic substance for the treatment of pustular diseases is carried out, while taking into consideration the data on excitors’ sensitivity. Mupirocin is a topical antibacterial substance, which activity is equivalent to the activity of peroral antibiotics Target - Migrative evaluation of the efficiency of 3% of tetracycline ointment and 2% of mupirocin ointment (supirocin) in the treatment of patients with pyoderma. Маterial and methods. 60 patients with initial pyodermas were examined, before and after the course of treatment the bacteriological research of erosions’ secretion was performed. Patients were undergoing the monotherapy with topical antibacterial substance 2 times a day: 2% mupirocin ointment in the 1st group and - 3% of tetracycline ointment in the 2nd group. After the regress of eruptions terms and efficiency of the treatment were assessed. Results. The topical antibacterial therapy of pyodermas with 2% mupirocin ointment is more effective than with 3% tetracycline ointment, - 40 (100%) of patients against 16 (80%) of patients, (р < 0,01). The use of 2% mupirocin ointment allows to decrease considerably terms of treatment of patients with pustular skin diseases in comparison with application of 3% tetracycline ointment (8,1 ± 1,8 and 12,2 ± 3,2 days accordingly, р < 0,01). 2% mupirocin ointment has got high clinical efficiency and can be recommended for the therapy of patients with pyodermas.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):86-90

Demodex mites and Malassezia yeast at patients with seborrheic dermatitis
Target. Studies of dynamics of species diversity and of abundance of Malassezia fungi, аs well as of pimple mites at the skin of patients, suffering from seborrheic dermatitis (SD) at the treatment with activated zinc pyrithione aerosol (ZPA). Маterial and methods. 60 patients with SD were examined. 2 groups were segregated: 1-st (n = 31) - patients with SD, receiving within 4 weeks the AZP therapy; 2-nd (n = 29) - patients with SD, not receiving local therapy. At the examination the gravity of symptoms, the dynamics of skin integument affection was assessed, the mycological skin analysis for Malassezia fungi, as well as the acarological analysis for Demodex mites was performed. Results. 4 kinds of Malassezia were revealed on the skin of patients, suffering with SD disease, with dominating M. globosa (10 7 КОЕ/cm 2). At patients, suffering with SD, 2 kinds of mites were revealed: Demodex: D. brevis and D. folliculorum. D. Brevis was dominating - 65%, D.folliculorum - 26%. After affected sites of the facer skin of patients, suffering from SD, with AZP aerosol within 4 weeks was revealed the statically authentic decrease at the average by a factor of 2 from the number of Malassezia yeast, and the decrease (to 16%) of the frequency of D.brevis reveal, аs well as the complete elimination of D.folliculorum. After the course of therapy with topical AZP aerosol is over the high therapeutic effect is revealed at 90% patients with SD. Opinion. So, AZP aerosol can be recommend to the decrease of the number of Malassezia fungi at Demodex mites at the facial skin of patients, suffering with SD.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):92-98

Pathogenesis and treatment of acne at women’s hyperandrogenism syndrome
Аспе is one of most spread people’s disease and is characterized by the piloseboceial complex affection. Acne pathogenesis is a multifactor one, and the hyperandrogenism favors the disease development. The article highlights the acne pathogenesis, discusses methods of the endocrinologic examination and treatment of women’s hyperandrogenism.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):100-103

Efficiency of application of Aisida cosmeceutical in the external therapy of acne
Possibilities of the modern therapy of acne vulgaris are discussed. The attention is drawn to the fact that in case of the mild and medium disease state the external therapy is emphasized. The role of external antibiotics (clindamycin) and of the azelaic acid was detailed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):104-106

Proactive external therapy of children and adults, suffering from atopic dermatitis - new effective tactic approach
Target. To evaluate the efficiency of the external therapy of atopic dermatitis with 0,03% tacrolimus ointment and 0,1% tacrolimus ointment of children and adults accordingly. Маterial and methods. Were submitted results of the long-term clinical supervision of 38 patients, suffering from atopic dermatitis, receiving the external therapy with 0,03% tacrolimus ointment (children) and 0,1% tacrolimus ointment (adults) twice a day during the first (active) stage of treatment in the support therapy mode 2 times a week, carried out up to 3 months. Results. The high therapeutic efficiency was established with clinical remission and considerable improvement at 88,8% of children and 75,0% of adults with atopic dermatitis, patients’ life quality recovering, maintenance of achieved treatment results during 3 months of supporting therapy. Opinions. Obtained results witness the expedience of the use of tacrolimus ointment in the proactive therapeutic mode.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):115-119

On the efficiency and safety of application of the short course of clobetasol propionate at patients, suffering from psoriasis in the progression phase
Research target: to evaluate the efficiency and safety of the application of clobetasol propionate ointment (Cloveit ointment for external application, Jelfa) at 60 patients, suffering from plaque psoriasis of average gravity in dermatosis progression phase. Material and methods. The panel comprises 60 patients, suffering from psoriasis (36 men and 24 women) in the age of 25-55 y.o. (the average age is 35,4 ± 2,1 years). The disease continuity was between 6 months and 12 years. The therapeutic efficiency was evaluated with PASI, PGA indices, аs well as with data of ultrasonographic research. Results. Initiating seven days course of the topical therapy with clobetasol propionate, included in the standard comprehensive treatment, favors the transfer of the psoriatic process in the stabilization phase and is not accompanied with clinical and sub-clinical features of skin atrophy.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):121-125

Therapeutic possibilities for the correction of damages of dry skin barrier features
Provides the modern data about barrier features of the skin and of structures, providing such features. Key pathologic mechanisms, serving the basis for the skin barrier diseases, are being considered. Data on external and endogenous factors, causing the skin barrier breach, as well as on clinical features of the skin xerosis is given. Recommendations on the basic care for the dry xerotic skin, using Xemoz cosmeceuticals, as independent therapy, as well as combined with other pharmaceuticals, are highlighted.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):128-133

N.K. IVANOVA On the 90th anniversary
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(3):135-136