Proactive external therapy of children and adults, suffering from atopic dermatitis - new effective tactic approach
- Issue: Vol 88, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 115-119
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 703
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Target. To evaluate the efficiency of the external therapy of atopic dermatitis with 0,03% tacrolimus ointment and 0,1% tacrolimus ointment of children and adults accordingly. Маterial and methods. Were submitted results of the long-term clinical supervision of 38 patients, suffering from atopic dermatitis, receiving the external therapy with 0,03% tacrolimus ointment (children) and 0,1% tacrolimus ointment (adults) twice a day during the first (active) stage of treatment in the support therapy mode 2 times a week, carried out up to 3 months. Results. The high therapeutic efficiency was established with clinical remission and considerable improvement at 88,8% of children and 75,0% of adults with atopic dermatitis, patients’ life quality recovering, maintenance of achieved treatment results during 3 months of supporting therapy. Opinions. Obtained results witness the expedience of the use of tacrolimus ointment in the proactive therapeutic mode.
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«Проактивная» наружная терапия больных атопическим дерматитом детей и взрослых - новый, эффективный тактический подход×
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