Role of CD11c-positive dendrite cells in the psoriasis pathogenesis
- Issue: Vol 88, No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 58-64
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.06.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 685
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The immune response, developing with psoriasis relapse, starts from the concentration of activated myeloid dendrite cells, being the main source of the necrosis factor of α -tumor in the area of originating papula. Target: studies of the number of sub-populations of dendrite cells in skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis in different periods of the disease. Маterial and methods. Skin biopsy samples of 43 patients, suffering from psoriasis vulgaris and skin biopsy samples of 16 healthy people have been studied. The skin immunohistochemistry with use of anti-CD11c, CD83 and CD3 аntibodies was performed. Results. The number of CD11c+ and CD83+ dendrite cells in the skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis in the progressing period was 11,2 and 7,8 times more than in the skin of healthy individuals and 3,0 and 2,4 times more than at patients, suffering from psoriasis during remission accordingly. Opinions. In the skin of patients, suffering from psoriasis, during remission at the place of the delivered psoriatic papule the number of CD83+, CD11c+ dendrite cells and CD3+ lymphocytes exceeds its number in the healthy skin, and the ratio of these cells and its localization in the lesion focuses differ from the skin of healthy people.
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Роль CDIIc-позитивных дендритных клеток в патогенезе псориаза×
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