Analysis of risk factors and modern clinical and laboratory peculiarities of non-aggravated and aggravated forms of the urogenital chlamydial infection in men
- Issue: Vol 88, No 4 (2012)
- Pages: 55-63
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.08.2012
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 704
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The authors present the results of studies of risk factors at the contamination with С. trachomatis and of the development of complicated forms of the urogenital chlamydial infection at men, modern peculiarities of the clinical course of the urogenital chlamydiosis have been reflected. Goal: studies of factors of the risk of contamination with С. trachomatis and development of aggravates forms of urogenital chlamydial infection and the analysis of modern clinical peculiarities of the disease in men of the reproductive age. Маterials and methods. 40 men were examined, among them 20 with urogenital chlamydial infection of lower segments of the genitourinary tract and 20 with complicated forms of urogenital chlamydial infection. The group of comparison comprised 20 men, not having clinical and laboratory features of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. Along with the analysis of anamnesis data of the clinical picture was performed the instrumental (transrectal ultrasonic research of the prostate) and the laboratory examination, using the microscopic, bacteriologic and molecular and biologic methods. Results. The authors established factors of risk of the contamination with urogenital chlamydial infection (age between 25 and 39 y.o., existent sexual contacts with two and more sexual partners, big number of sexual partners during the sexual practice) and factors of the risk of development of complicated forms of the chlamydial infection (patient age between 25 and 45 y.o. and the disease, lasting for more than 1 month). Main clinical implications of chlamydial urethritis and prostatitis are described.
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Анализ факторов риска и современных клинико-лабораторных особенностей неосложненных и осложненных форм урогенитальной хламидийной инфекции у мужчин×
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