Vol 88, No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Published: 15.08.2012
- Articles: 23
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/52

Studies of T.pallidum proteome for the purpose of improving laboratory assessments for the syphilis diagnostics
The review covers problems related to the ways of development of modern methods of laboratory assessment used for syphilis diagnostics on the basis of the use of specific antigens of the pathogenic agent. Results of studies of some immune proteome proteins of T.pallidum have been provided. The data on the possibility of their use for the development of new laboratory methods based on the detection of antibodies to Т. pallidum target proteins in blood serum samples of patients with different clinical forms of syphilis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):10-15

The laboratory diagnostics of syphilis: yesterday, today, tomorrow
The article covers issues related to the development of laboratory methods used for the diagnostic of syphilitic infection in the historical aspect as well as for the nearest and remote future. Priorities of the application of several diagnostic methods have been highlighted depending on the stage and form of syphilis, on the performed specific treatment and the contingent of examined patients. The authors give recommendations for its use reflected in modern Russian and foreign manuals and standards of syphilis diagnostics. Laboratory methods such as immunochemiluminescence assay, хМАР-technology and aspects of their clinical application are specially highlighted. The authors provide data on applied methods of molecular typing of Т. pallidum and detection of genetic determinants of the resistance of the syphilis pathogen to antimicrobial substances.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):16-23

Search for new molecular targets for anticytokine therapy of patients, suffering from the immune dependent skin disease — psoriasis
The authors describe the results of a study aimed at searching for new molecular targets for anticytokine therapy of patients with psoriasis. The authors examined 26 patients with psoriasis who were treated with such immune biologic substances as infliximab, ustekinumab, adalimumab and 10 healthy volunteers. They performed a quality and quantity analysis of the spectrum of protein molecules of cytokines (L-4, IL-6, IL-17, TNF-α and IL-20, IL-22, IL-31, IL-12, IL-11, IL-18) аs well as VEGF and ICAM-1 molecules in patients receiving the therapy with immune biologic substances before and after treatment using the methodology of the immune enzyme analysis and xMAP multiplex technology. The authors studied the correlation between the level of cytokine expression, on the one hand, and the occurrence and limitation of the disease, on the other hand. The obtained data are sufficient to conclude that the spectrum of molecules of IL6, IL20, IL22 anti-inflammatory cytokines аs well as VEGF and ICAM-1 molecules, for which pathogenic importance in case of psoriasis was revealed as a result of the study , may serve as a potential (new, additional) molecular target for anticytokine therapy of patients suffering with such an immune-dependent skin disease as psoriasis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):24-34

Acne in women with adrenic hyperandrogenism
Goal. Study of clinical and laboratory signs of adrenal hyperandrogenism in women with acne. Маterials and methods. 303 women with acne have been examined at the age of 20—40 years. The anamnesis has been studied and tests have been performed in order to determine the life quality as well as dermatologic and gynecologic examination with pilosis evaluation based on the Ferriman-Gallwey score , anthropometric and general clinical examination, endocrine profile studies, urine steroid profile, biochemical blood composition, as well as pelvic ultrasound and sebumetry. Results. The authors identified a group of women (n = 31) with the early onset of acne, hirsutism, android adiposity, prevalence of non-inflammatory skin eruptions, seborrhea, endocrine profile diseases according to blood test results and determination of the urine steroid profile, metabolic deviations, ineffective treatment with oral contraceptives. Conclusion. The authors revealed specific clinical and laboratory signs that can be referred to diagnostic criteria of adrenal hyperandrogenism in women with acne, which will make it possible to select the rational treatment for this category of patients in future.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):35-40

Immune predictors of complications of the urogenital chlamydial infection leading to infertility
Goal: determination of immune predictors of the development of complications of the urogenital chlamydial infection (UGCI) in women and further disorder of the reproductive function (infertility) due to the past infection. Маterials and methods. 80 women have been examined: 40 patients with uGCI (20 — with UGCI of lower sections of the urogenital tract and 20 — with pelvic UGCI), 20 patients with secondary (tubal) infertility with the previous UGCI in the anamnesis and 20 clinically healthy women. The qualitative and quantitative study of the spectrum of cytokines (IL-2, -4, -6, -8, -10, INF-γ, TNF α and GM-CSF) with the use of the хМАР multiplex technology in blood and the cervical secretion. Results. The research has determined the spectrum of cytokines with a change in their concentration having an effect on the outcome of UGCI and the development of complications causing disorders of the reproductive function in women: these are TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2 inflammatory cytokines аs well as the IL-10 inflammatory cytokine.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):41-47

Results of molecular and genetic research of genes ompA, ct135 and tarP C. trachomatis strains collected from patients suffering from urogenital chlamydial infection
The article contains results of the molecular and genetic research of genes ompA, ct135 and tarp c. trachomatis in 50 samples of clinical material containing DNA c. trachomatis from patients (women and men) from the Moscow region with the diagnosed urogenital chlamydial infection (UGCI) confirmed by PCR method. The sequencing of the gene ompA allowed to establish, that the prevailing serovar c. trachomatis in the examined selection of UGCI patients was serovar Е (48,0%); other serovars were less often (G — 18,0%, D — 14,0%; F and J — by 8%, К — 4%). The authors revealed authentic associations of the frequency of spreading of Е serovar with non-complicated clinical course of UGCI and the association of the frequency of spreading concerning rare serovars c. trachomatis (G, D, J) — with complications of UGCI in women. Significant mutations of the gene ompА in rare c. trachomatis serovars, аs well as significant mutations of genes ct135 and tarр were revealed more often is samples from women with PID. The obtained data are sufficient to make a conclusion about the possible existing relation between peculiarities of c. trachomatis genotype and the character of the clinical course of the urogenital clamidiosis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):48-54

Analysis of risk factors and modern clinical and laboratory peculiarities of non-aggravated and aggravated forms of the urogenital chlamydial infection in men
The authors present the results of studies of risk factors at the contamination with С. trachomatis and of the development of complicated forms of the urogenital chlamydial infection at men, modern peculiarities of the clinical course of the urogenital chlamydiosis have been reflected. Goal: studies of factors of the risk of contamination with С. trachomatis and development of aggravates forms of urogenital chlamydial infection and the analysis of modern clinical peculiarities of the disease in men of the reproductive age. Маterials and methods. 40 men were examined, among them 20 with urogenital chlamydial infection of lower segments of the genitourinary tract and 20 with complicated forms of urogenital chlamydial infection. The group of comparison comprised 20 men, not having clinical and laboratory features of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. Along with the analysis of anamnesis data of the clinical picture was performed the instrumental (transrectal ultrasonic research of the prostate) and the laboratory examination, using the microscopic, bacteriologic and molecular and biologic methods. Results. The authors established factors of risk of the contamination with urogenital chlamydial infection (age between 25 and 39 y.o., existent sexual contacts with two and more sexual partners, big number of sexual partners during the sexual practice) and factors of the risk of development of complicated forms of the chlamydial infection (patient age between 25 and 45 y.o. and the disease, lasting for more than 1 month). Main clinical implications of chlamydial urethritis and prostatitis are described.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):55-63

Efficiency of UVA1 therapy in complex treatment of chronic dermatosis
The authors present the results of application of UVA1-therapy in complex treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and scleroderma. Course of treatment has made 20 procedures of UVA1-therapy with the maximum single dose of irradiation 40 J/ш 2. The general dose of an irradiation 130—400 J/ш 2. Comparison groups received medical therapy with usage of standard doses and reception schemes, and did not differ from the basic groups on age of patients, duration and the disease form. Clinical efficiency estimated on dynamics of indexes SCORAD, PAS! and results of ultrasonic scanning of the scleroderma zones. High efficiency and safety of UVA1-therapy in complex treatment atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and scleroderma is established.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):64-69

Erythema ab igne in the child being a PC user
The rare dermatosis erythema ab igne was examined. The rarity of the observation is also determined by the factor, favoring the skin disease development, — the use of notebook, which infrared irradiation caused the illness development. Were described such items as reasons of erythema ab igne development, the clinical picture, peculiarities of diagnostics and treatment. Disease outcomes have been considered. Mechanisms of infrared irradiation, as well as its biologic effects have been represented.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):80-84

Efficiency and tolerability of 0,1% tacrolimus ointment in the treatment of patients with moderate atopic dermatitis. Effect of the medication on the skin microcirculation
The article covers modern concepts of the influence of calcineurin inhibitors on formation and liberation inflammatory cytokines and their immunomodulating ability. Goal: to estimate efficiency and bearableness of 0,1 % Tacrolimus ointment (Protopik) at treatment of atopic dermatitis of moderate severity and eczema of hands as supporting therapy, and also influence of a preparation on microcirculation in skin. Materials and methods. In research took part 35 patients having atopic dermatitis (ATD) of moderate severity. The preparation Protopik (0,1% ointment) was used externally by daily thin layer on well cleared skin 2 times a day before clinical improvement, but not less than 2 weeks. Further, at achievement of clinical remission, it was recommended to use a preparation 2 times a week on the sites of skin which are usually struck at aggravations. In other days it was recommended to patients to use a relipidant. To patients with atopic dermatitis before the beginning of treatment and in 1 month from the beginning of application of a preparation by means of Doppler monitoring research microcirculation level in skin (volume speed of a blood-groove) was estimated. Results. High activity of a preparation as means of long supporting therapy is shown. Continuous application of a preparation within 2 weeks allows to reach in most cases almost complete remission. According to Doppler monitoring research, microcirculation in skin at patients with ATD after external application of 0,1% Tacrolimus ointment (Protopik) amplified that it is possible to explain decrease in an infiltration in a dermis. Use of a preparation differs sufficient comfort, and individual complaints to local irritation in the area where the ointment was applied were transient by nature.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):85-89

Capabilities of the basic treatment preparations in the combined treatment of psoriasis
Target. Research of the efficiency of Isida substances in the complex therapy of psoriasis. Маterial and methods. The research comprises 30 patients with psoriasis, treated in hospital (15 — with limited vulgar psoriasis and 15 — with palm and foot psoriasis) with Isida substances (cream gel for dry and sensible face and body skin and cream gel for hands). Results. The good efficiency and tolerance are highlighted: the decrease of PASI index by 53,6% at patients with limited vulgar psoriasis and by 47,4% at patients with palm and foot psoriasis. The dermatologic life quality index at all patients has decreased by 55,9%.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):97-100

Isotretinoine in the treatment of rosacea
Goal: Evaluation of isotretinoine acnecutane) in small doses (0,2 mg/kg/day) in the treatment of papulopustular stage of rosacea. Маterials and methods. 21 patients with papulopustular version of rosacea, not responding to traditional therapeutic methods have been examined. Patients were receiving small doses of isotretinoine acnecutane) (0,2 mg/kg/day). The efficiency of the performed therapy was evaluated with the dermatologic index of life quality. Results. The research has demonstrated the high efficiency of isotretinoine acnecutane) in the treatment of papulopustular stage of rosacea. The use of small doses of the substance allowed to minimize side effects, which can take place at the background of isotretinoine (acnecutane), providing the high safety of it’s application.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):102-104

Experience of the combined therapy of anogenital (veneral) warts
The article covers issues of ethiology and pathogenesis of papilloma viral infection, modern perceptions of the role of immune mechanisms in the development of the infection process. Were submitted results of the comparative clinical research for the study of efficiency and safety of Ingaron substance (γ-interferon) in the comprehensive therapy of the anogenital papilloma viral infection.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):105-110

Therapy of associated urogenital infections
Goal: Studies of the efficiency, safety and tolerance of safocide substance at patients with sexually transmitted diseases, associated with bacterial vaginosis and urogenital candidosis. Маterials and methods. The open direct not comparative study comprised 50 patients (25 men and 25 women). The complex of laboratory research comprised the microscopic research, bacteriological research for the identification of N. gonorrhoeae, Т. vaginalis, opportunistic pathogens; research by PCR method for the identification of С. trachomatis and M. genitalium; syphilis and HIV determination by the method of the immune & enzyme analysis. Results. After the therapy with safocide substance the eradication of pathogenic origination was achieved at 98% of patients. The authors revealed the low frequency of side effect development as well as the high level of the therapeutic compliance.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):112-117

Isofil cosmetics for the correction of skin aging
The article covers issues of age-related changes of the skin. The efficiency and safety of the use of Isofil cosmeceuticals for the correction of age-related changes have been evaluated. Data confirming the clinical efficiency of the use of cosmeceuticals by patients with light and moderate developments of age-related changes of the skin have been provided.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):120-123

100 years of the chair of skin and sexually transmitted diseases of Saratov Medical University
Stages of formation and development of the chair of skin and sexually transmitted diseases of Saratov Medical University, which in 2012 will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Evaluates the scientific input of Mr. V.I. Terebinsky, P.S. Grigoriev, N.S. Efron, S.I. Dovzhansky and of other employees in dermatovenerologic studies, as well as in the development of the specialized medical assistance to population in different years. The data on modern scientific, pedagogic and educational activities of the chair is being given.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):125-132

In memoriam of G.M. Tsvetkova
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):134-135

In memoriam of B.N. Krivosheev
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):136-137

In memoriam of N.K. Ivanova
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2012;88(4):138-139