Efficiency and tolerability of 0,1% tacrolimus ointment in the treatment of patients with moderate atopic dermatitis. Effect of the medication on the skin microcirculation
- Issue: Vol 88, No 4 (2012)
- Pages: 85-89
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.08.2012
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/article/view/712
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv712
- ID: 712
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The article covers modern concepts of the influence of calcineurin inhibitors on formation and liberation inflammatory cytokines and their immunomodulating ability. Goal: to estimate efficiency and bearableness of 0,1 % Tacrolimus ointment (Protopik) at treatment of atopic dermatitis of moderate severity and eczema of hands as supporting therapy, and also influence of a preparation on microcirculation in skin. Materials and methods. In research took part 35 patients having atopic dermatitis (ATD) of moderate severity. The preparation Protopik (0,1% ointment) was used externally by daily thin layer on well cleared skin 2 times a day before clinical improvement, but not less than 2 weeks. Further, at achievement of clinical remission, it was recommended to use a preparation 2 times a week on the sites of skin which are usually struck at aggravations. In other days it was recommended to patients to use a relipidant. To patients with atopic dermatitis before the beginning of treatment and in 1 month from the beginning of application of a preparation by means of Doppler monitoring research microcirculation level in skin (volume speed of a blood-groove) was estimated. Results. High activity of a preparation as means of long supporting therapy is shown. Continuous application of a preparation within 2 weeks allows to reach in most cases almost complete remission. According to Doppler monitoring research, microcirculation in skin at patients with ATD after external application of 0,1% Tacrolimus ointment (Protopik) amplified that it is possible to explain decrease in an infiltration in a dermis. Use of a preparation differs sufficient comfort, and individual complaints to local irritation in the area where the ointment was applied were transient by nature.
Full Text
Эффективность и переносимость 0,1% мази такролимуса при лечении больных атопическим дерматитом средней степени тяжести. Влияние препарата на микроциркуляцию в коже×
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