Current approaches to diagnostics of mycosis fungoides
- Authors: Brattseva EV1, Rotanov SV1, Bratseva EV1, Rotanov SV1
- Issue: Vol 86, No 6 (2010)
- Pages: 16-22
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2010
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 773
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The authors describe strong and weak sides of current methods for diagnostics of mycosis fungoides.
Diagnostics of mycosis fungoides is mainly based on the clinical presentation of this disease, which is a significant problem for
a dermatovenerologist, especially at early stages of the disease when rashes are of different types. Laboratory methods used to
confirm the diagnosis are microscopic examination and immunophenotypic analysis of skin biopsy samples from the affected
region as well as determination of clonality of T-lymphocytes in the skin using the PCR method.
Diagnostics of mycosis fungoides is mainly based on the clinical presentation of this disease, which is a significant problem for
a dermatovenerologist, especially at early stages of the disease when rashes are of different types. Laboratory methods used to
confirm the diagnosis are microscopic examination and immunophenotypic analysis of skin biopsy samples from the affected
region as well as determination of clonality of T-lymphocytes in the skin using the PCR method.
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