Possibility to use Ademetionine for the treatment of psoriaticpatients with a pathology of the hepatobiliary system
- Authors: Matusevich SL1, Medvedeva IV1, Matusevich SL1, Medvedeva IV1
- Issue: Vol 86, No 6 (2010)
- Pages: 77-82
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.12.2010
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/article/view/819
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv819
- ID: 819
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Full Text
The endogenous intoxication syndrome manifested in the form of excessive accumulation of low and mean molar mass substances
in plasma and urine as well as increased blood plasma concentrations of malonic dialdehyde against the background
of reduced alpha-tocopherol was revealed in psoriatic patients with the concomitant hepatobiliary system pathology. Application
of Ademetionine in the dose of 800 mg per day for 15 days as a part of the complex therapy for such patients as opposed to the
patients receiving standard therapy resulted in reliable reduction in the severity of clinical manifestations of the disease and PASI
value as well as decrease in the concentration of low and mean molecular mass substances in plasma and erythrocytes, reduction
in the blood plasma malonic dialdehyde concentration and increase in alpha-tocopherol.
in plasma and urine as well as increased blood plasma concentrations of malonic dialdehyde against the background
of reduced alpha-tocopherol was revealed in psoriatic patients with the concomitant hepatobiliary system pathology. Application
of Ademetionine in the dose of 800 mg per day for 15 days as a part of the complex therapy for such patients as opposed to the
patients receiving standard therapy resulted in reliable reduction in the severity of clinical manifestations of the disease and PASI
value as well as decrease in the concentration of low and mean molecular mass substances in plasma and erythrocytes, reduction
in the blood plasma malonic dialdehyde concentration and increase in alpha-tocopherol.
About the authors
S L Matusevich
Email: petrov@tokb.ru
I V Medvedeva
Email: petrov@tokb.ru
S L Matusevich
I V Medvedeva
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