Results of the study of Cinocap cream clinical efficacy andsafety

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There was a study of the efficacy and safety of a zinc pyrithione drug, Cinocap® cream, in 40 psoriasis patients. The therapeutic
equivalence of the drug to the original drug, Skin-Cap® cream, was also assessed. Patients aged 18-65 were randomized into
two groups: patients from the first group received a treatment with Cinocap® cream while patients from the second group were
treated with Skin-Cap® cream for 45 days. It was proved that Cinocap® cream is an efficient drug for the treatment of psoriasis and
is comparable to the original drug, Skin-Cap® cream, by its therapeutic effect and safety.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Danilova A.A., Kosorukova I.M., Danilova A.A., Kosorukova I.M.

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