Effect of fractional photothermolysis on the skin biophysical parameters. A prospective clinical and instrumental study

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As many as 27 women aged 40-65 were enrolled in a 12-week study to evaluate the effect of fractional photothermolysis on the skin biophysical indices and clinical signs of facial photodegradation. Such indices as epidermis moisture level, transepidermal water loss, elasticity and clinical signs of skin photopathy were assessed dynamically
According to the study results, a set of three procedures had a positive effect on the skin elasticity: U (cutometry index) reliably increased after the third procedure. The skin texture parameters substantially improved, and pigmentation and wrinkle depth reduced by Week 12 of the follow-up period.
Thus, the new fractional photothermolysis technology (Sellas) is an efficient and well-tolerated procedure. It is recommended to make it a part of the comprehensive face rejuvenation program in cosmetology


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