Vol 86, No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Published: 15.02.2010
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/56
Full Issue

Particular features of rendering high-end medical aid in the dermatovenerology sector in 2010
The authors describe particular features of rendering high-end medical aid in the dermatovenerology sector at the expense of allocations from the federal budget based on their studies of normative, legal and reporting documents related to the organization of high-end medical aid and analysis of activities of the State Research Center for Dermatology and Venereology including the results of the authors' own clinical observations.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):5-9

New approaches to the postgraduate education for dermatologists and venereologists
The article presents data on new approaches to the postgraduate education for dermatologists and venereologists, its contents and quantitative determination of the independent work of doctors in terms of their advanced professional training.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):10-14

STD prevalence among patients from guz samara regional narcology dispensary
Our goal was to study the epidemiological situation among drug addicts in the Samara region, the impact of drugs on sexual behavior and determination of the risk of STD infection. There was an anonymous STD questionnaire survey among drug addicts to achieve the goal. According to the study results, the STD morbidity among drug addicts is high, and they also demonstrate a risky sexual behavior, which makes it possible to assign them to an individual, the most dangerous risk group because they are out of control of medical care institutions and pose the maximum threat from the epidemiological point of view.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):15-19

Integral approach to the external therapy of atopic dermatitis
The article describes the current concepts of patient management tactics for patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. It also shows the leading role of the external therapy with the step-by-step administration of moisturizing and softening drugs of the baseline therapy, topical glucocorticoids and calcineurin inhibitors.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):20-26

Immune mechanisms of psoriasis. New strategies of biotherapy
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease - according to numerous studies, about 2% of the population suffer from it. Psoriasis degrades the life quality, and such concomitant pathologies as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and depression shorten the life expectancy of psoriasis patients. Substantial progress has been achieved today in understanding the mechanisms of the disease, searching for new treatment techniques and standardizing the disease severity
According to the recent studies, psoriasis belongs to immune-dependent diseases with genetic predisposition to its development. Dendritic cells and T lymphocytes play an important part in psoriasis development. Their interaction launches a number of mechanisms ultimately leading to the inflammatory process development and formation of psoriatic skin affections. Such cytokines as IL-12, IL-23, IFN-y and TNF-a secreted by immunocompetent cells serve as mediators during such processes. An advanced therapeutic approach to the treatment of psoriasis means creating pathogenetically important cytokine specific monoclonal antibodies and placing them into the body Today there are drugs successfully blocking the development of psoriatic skin affections by means of specific binding of IL-12, IL-23 and TNF-a cytokines. Drugs called ustekinumab and ABT-874 confirmed their therapeutic activity with regard to psoriasis at Phases 2 and 3 of clinical trials. In the course of further trials, ustekinumab also demonstrated a safety profile comparable to that of placebo.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):35-47

Use of Skin-Cap (activated zinc pyrithione) in the therapy of chronic dermatoses
Медицинская технология применения препарата Скин-кап (активированный пиритион цинка) в терапии больных атопическим дерматитом, вульгарным псориазом и себорейным дерматитом содержит алгоритмы назначения лекарственных форм данного наружного средства в зависимости от характера клинических проявлений заболеваний, стадии процесса, наличия осложнений. Применение нестероидного препарата Скин-кап в режиме монотерапии и при интеграции его в комплексную терапию оптимизирует лечение дерматозов, способствует снижению микробной и грибковой контаминации кожи, в тяжелых случаях сокращает необходимость в использовании других сильнодействующих фармпрепаратов и методов фотохимиотерапии.
Медицинская технология предназначена для врачей-дерматовенерологов, врачей общей практики.
Масштаб использования медицинской технологии: специализированные дерматовенерологические учреждения,
лечебно-профилактические учреждения, оказывающие первичную помощь больным дерматозами.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):48-56

Molecular Markers In Forecasting The Clinical Efficacy Of Infliximab In Psoriasis Patients
Biosamples (skin tissue samples taken from affection foci and blood serum) from 22 patients suffering from severe to medium psoriasis (8 women and 14 men) aged 19-57 treated with Infliximab were analyzed. As for skin tissue samples, the molecular structure of genes TNF-a, TNF-R-I and TNF-R-II, contents of cytokine TNF-a and its soluble receptors (sTNF-RI and sTNF-RII) and proteome composition was analyzed in skin tissue samples; contents of TNF-a, IL2, IL4, IL6, IL-8 and IL-10 were analyzed in the blood serum. The homozygous TT genotype of TNF-R-II gene at the 676 locus and high IL10 level in the blood serum (>2.7 pg/ml) was associated with the high intensity of the psoriasis patient response to treatment with Infliximab; the homozygous GG genotype of TNF-R-II gene at the 676 locus and low level of IL10 in the blood serum (<1.0 pg/ml) was associated with a weak response or no response to treatment with Infliximab. These results laid the basis for developing a method to forecast the treatment efficacy in psoriasis patients based on a genetically engineered biological drug - Infliximab.
Pilot results indicating a possible mutual relation between the composition of the skin proteome and psoriasis patient's therapeutic response to treatment with Infliximab have been obtained.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):57-66

Studying of relationship of Histocompatibility antigens and N-acetylation phenotype in patients of Uzbek populations with psoriasis
There studied the distribution of Histocompatibility antigens and N-acetylation phenotype in patients of Uzbek populations with psoriasis and it has been revealed, that HLA antigenes A11, A28, В5, В13 and Cw3 are antigenes of predisposition to presented disease and the individuals with slow N-acetylation phenotype prevail among them. The relationship of more frequent associated Histocompatibility antigens and N-acetylation phenotype marked by the prevalence of patients with a slow phenotype in the dermatosis has been revealed in patients of Uzbek populations with psoriasis.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):67-69

Immunomorphology and Morphogenesis of Affected Skin Foci at Psoriasis
The article provides information about the pathogenic role of different immunocompetent cells in forming an immune inflammation in the skin of psoriasis patients, which is one of the most important factors in the development of psoriatic eruptions in case of exacerbation of the disease. The contents of CD4+ helper lymphocytes, CD8+ suppressor/cytotoxic lymphocytes, CD1a+ Langerhans cells and HLA-DR+ cells in the affected skin in psoriasis patients were analyzed. It was revealed that the development of an immune inflammation in the skin of psoriasis patients involves cells of congenital (CD1a+ Langerhans cells) and adaptive immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ Т lymphocytes), and their number grows.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):70-79

Particular characteristics of the urogenital tract biota in healthy women of child-bearing potential in real-time PCR studies
The PCR method in the real-time mode helped to analyze the quantitative characteristics of the normal and conditionally pathogenic aerobic/optionally anaerobic, anaerobic biota, mycoplasmas and Candida fungi in the urethra, cervical channel and vagina in healthy women aged 18-45. The analysis revealed absence of any differences between the biotopes by the bacterial spectrum and quantity of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria with regard to Lactobacillus spp. The biota of all of the women who were younger than 40 and some of the women who were older than 40 had mostly lactobacilli. The microbial composition of the biocenosis in some women older than 40 is characterized by the reduction in the quantity of lactobacilli and their replacement with anaerobic microorganisms/groups of microorganisms, mainly such as Atopobium vaginae, Megasphaera spp./Veillonella spp./Dialister spp., Gardnerella vaginalis/Prevotella bivia/Porphyromonas spp. and Eubacterium spp. Any change in the microbial composition of the urogenital tract biota can serve as a marker of hypoestrogenia.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):80-84

Effect of fractional photothermolysis on the skin biophysical parameters. A prospective clinical and instrumental study
As many as 27 women aged 40-65 were enrolled in a 12-week study to evaluate the effect of fractional photothermolysis on the skin biophysical indices and clinical signs of facial photodegradation. Such indices as epidermis moisture level, transepidermal water loss, elasticity and clinical signs of skin photopathy were assessed dynamically
According to the study results, a set of three procedures had a positive effect on the skin elasticity: U (cutometry index) reliably increased after the third procedure. The skin texture parameters substantially improved, and pigmentation and wrinkle depth reduced by Week 12 of the follow-up period.
Thus, the new fractional photothermolysis technology (Sellas) is an efficient and well-tolerated procedure. It is recommended to make it a part of the comprehensive face rejuvenation program in cosmetology
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):85-93

Brand-new Hydrobalance technology on the basis of stabilized hyaluronic acid for long-term skin hydration
The goal of this prospective clinical and instrumental study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of Restylane Vital Light, a non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA), for rejuvenation of the periorbital and perioral facial and neck area in women aged 40-65. According to the study results, a triple injection of NASHA (Hydrobalance procedure) produces a visible esthetic result (smoothing wrinkles) and has a positive effect on the skin biomechanical properties improving its moisture level and elasticity (there were statistically significant changes in the cutometry and corneometry indices, р<0.05). Temporary edemas in the periorbital area were recorded as side effects.
The brand-new Hydrobalance technology is a promising method of treatment and prevention of involution skin changes accompanied with water balance affections.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):94-98

Administration of epigallocatechin-3-gallate for microdermabrasion
Rationale of the study As previously demonstrated, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) accelerates the formation of the collagenous matrix and at the same time prevents any extraordinary collagen synthesis in the course of wound healing. In addition, EGCG is one of the most potent antioxidants and can inhibit cyclooxygenase-2, which in general lays the basis for studying the possibility to use it as an anti-inflammatory drug after dermabrasion procedures as well as to prevent pathologic cicatrization. Materials and methods. Forty women were divided into two groups (21 patients in the group treated with Egallohit, 10% EGCG, and 19 patients treated with Pantoderm Cream, 5% dexpanthenol). The drugs were applied twice a day for 50 days. Dermabrasion was performed on Days 1, 12 and 24. The patients were examined at Days 3, 15, 27, 36 and 60 of the treatment. Each of them filled in a questionnaire about the facial skin pain and itching. The facial skin humidity, fatness and pigmentation as well as number and depth of wrinkles were also measured. The total skin photodegradation index (by a blinded appraiser) was also assessed at the first and last visit. Results. No statistically significant differences in the number and depth of wrinkles, intensity and duration of facial skin pain and itching as well as skin photodegradation index between the groups both prior to and after the treatment were revealed. Conclusions. EGCG (10% Egallohit Gel) is as efficient for skin protection after microdermabrasion procedures as conventional drugs (5% cream with dexpanthenol).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):99-103

Lichen acuminatus associated with viral hepatitis C - particular features of the therapy
Cases of lichen acuminatus and viral hepatitis have recently become more frequent. When a complex pathology is revealed, there are certain problems related to the administration of an adequate therapy. This article describes a case from clinical practice proving that plasmapheresis in a patient suffering from lichen acuminatus associated with viral hepatitis C was highly efficient.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):105-108

Description of a case of Morbihan disease
Abbreviated title of the article: Morbihan disease.
A description of a case of Morbihan disease is presented in the article. This disease is chronic and is characterized by the absence of any specific laboratory and histology changes as well as treatment resistance. Issues of differential diagnostics are discussed. A review of literature is given.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):109-111

Administering hepatoprotectors for psoriasis: a comparative clinical, laboratory and ultrasonic assessment of its efficacy
There was a comparative study of the clinical efficacy of Heptral® and Essentiale® Forte N in 60 patients suffering from psoriasis. Such indices as psoriatic process severity, quality of life, ultrasonic criteria of psoriasis-mediated skin affection and hepatic function biochemistry were assessed. As a result of the treatment with the use of Heptral®, a distinct and statistically reliable reduction of the psoriasis severity, improvement in the quality of life and normalization of hepatic biochemistry indices were observed. In addition, a reduction in the thickness of epidermis and derma, increase in the ultrasonic density of the latter and more even distribution of the echo signal in all derma layers were recorded in the group taking Heptral® as compared to the group of patients receiving Essentiale® Forte N and control group.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):112-117

V.V. CHEBOTAREVOn the 70th anniversary
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):125-126

G.D. SELLISKYOn the 80th anniversary
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2010;86(1):127-127