Administering hepatoprotectors for psoriasis: a comparative clinical, laboratory and ultrasonic assessment of its efficacy
- Issue: Vol 86, No 1 (2010)
- Pages: 112-117
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.02.2010
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 880
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There was a comparative study of the clinical efficacy of Heptral® and Essentiale® Forte N in 60 patients suffering from psoriasis. Such indices as psoriatic process severity, quality of life, ultrasonic criteria of psoriasis-mediated skin affection and hepatic function biochemistry were assessed. As a result of the treatment with the use of Heptral®, a distinct and statistically reliable reduction of the psoriasis severity, improvement in the quality of life and normalization of hepatic biochemistry indices were observed. In addition, a reduction in the thickness of epidermis and derma, increase in the ultrasonic density of the latter and more even distribution of the echo signal in all derma layers were recorded in the group taking Heptral® as compared to the group of patients receiving Essentiale® Forte N and control group.
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