Clinical and social problems of compliance in pediatric dermatology
- Authors: Gorlanov IA1, Mikirtichan GL1, Zaslavskiy DV1, Khaurova TV1, Murashkin NN1
- Issue: Vol 87, No 1 (2011)
- Pages: 36-40
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 11.03.2020
- Published: 15.02.2011
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 937
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The article is dedicated to the clinical and social analysis of problems concerning patient's and parent's compliance as well as investigation of the impact of various factors to treatment compliance in pediatric dermatology settings. For this purpose specially designed questionnaires for the participants of development of the treatment compliant behavior were used: physicians, pediatric patients of 13 to 18 years old suffering of chronic dermatoses, and their parents.
There are the following main predictors of low compliance among dermatological pediatric population: psychological problems of patients; an attitude of a patient and his/her family to the treatment of the disease; lack of confidence among patient in the provided therapy (only 20.2% of adolescents and 56.4% of their parents always accurately follow the prescribed treatment); incomplete awareness of patients and their parents regarding the disease (30.9% of parents noted that by their opinion they are adequately informed concerning the disease of their child); duration of therapy, which could be not always effective or legitimating expectations of patients; inter-individual relationship impairment within the triad of practitioner-child-parents. Taking into account the circumstances, professional and personal qualities of the attendant physician, the adherence by him/her the principles of medical ethics are of primary importance for better treatment compliance.
There are the following main predictors of low compliance among dermatological pediatric population: psychological problems of patients; an attitude of a patient and his/her family to the treatment of the disease; lack of confidence among patient in the provided therapy (only 20.2% of adolescents and 56.4% of their parents always accurately follow the prescribed treatment); incomplete awareness of patients and their parents regarding the disease (30.9% of parents noted that by their opinion they are adequately informed concerning the disease of their child); duration of therapy, which could be not always effective or legitimating expectations of patients; inter-individual relationship impairment within the triad of practitioner-child-parents. Taking into account the circumstances, professional and personal qualities of the attendant physician, the adherence by him/her the principles of medical ethics are of primary importance for better treatment compliance.
About the authors
I A Gorlanov
G L Mikirtichan
D V Zaslavskiy
T V Khaurova
N N Murashkin
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