Vol 87, No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Published: 15.02.2011
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/64

Modern treatment methods for patients with psoriasis
Modern approaches to treatment of patients with psoriasis depending on the type and stage of the disease, its localization and the severity degree of skin pathology are given. Data regarding external and systemic therapeutic agents as well as phototherapeutic methods of treatment currently used at inpatient & outpatient medical facilities are represented.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):11-14

The role of Genital Mycoplasmas for the development of urogenital pathology in children
Modern data of the epidemiological aspects and clinical peculiarities of inflammatory urogenital diseases caused by genital mycoplasmas in children are represented. Contemporary methods of laboratory diagnostics and therapy for inflammatory urogenital diseases caused by genital mycoplasmas are described.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):15-22

The genetic factors in aetiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis
The results of genealogical and molecular-genetic assays of 250 patients with psoriasis are represented. The markers of increased and decreased risk of developing psoriasis have been detected; a multifactorial nature of the disease has been documented.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):23-27

The influence of low and moderate doses of ultraviolet irradiation produced by the UFA-1 device possessing the wavelength of 350 to 400 nm on the parameters of skin inflammation in patients suffering atopic dermatitis
The performed investigation has shown that there is an increase of the content of CD4+ lymphocytes and an increased expression of γ-interferon in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis comparing to healthy volunteers. Therapy with the use of UFA-1 produced more marked levels of γ-interferon positive cells in the skin (р = 0.004) in patients with clinical recovery compared to subjects with an achieved improvement, as well as a substantial reduction of the Т-helpers level within the effected skin areas (р = 0.009).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):28-35

Clinical and social problems of compliance in pediatric dermatology
The article is dedicated to the clinical and social analysis of problems concerning patient's and parent's compliance as well as investigation of the impact of various factors to treatment compliance in pediatric dermatology settings. For this purpose specially designed questionnaires for the participants of development of the treatment compliant behavior were used: physicians, pediatric patients of 13 to 18 years old suffering of chronic dermatoses, and their parents.
There are the following main predictors of low compliance among dermatological pediatric population: psychological problems of patients; an attitude of a patient and his/her family to the treatment of the disease; lack of confidence among patient in the provided therapy (only 20.2% of adolescents and 56.4% of their parents always accurately follow the prescribed treatment); incomplete awareness of patients and their parents regarding the disease (30.9% of parents noted that by their opinion they are adequately informed concerning the disease of their child); duration of therapy, which could be not always effective or legitimating expectations of patients; inter-individual relationship impairment within the triad of practitioner-child-parents. Taking into account the circumstances, professional and personal qualities of the attendant physician, the adherence by him/her the principles of medical ethics are of primary importance for better treatment compliance.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):36-40

Actual therapeutic practice for sexually-transmitted bacterial diseases in Russia: the results of a multicenter pharmacoepidemiological trial
To investigate the actual practice of antibacterial therapy of sexually-transmitted bacterial diseases (STD) in adult patients at the various regions of the Russian Federation as well as to evaluate the concordance of the antibacterial therapy with national standards, a multicenter retrospective analytical trial was carried out. Investigational data of 1250 subjects (61% males, 39% females, the mean age of 28.8 ± 9.2) with early types of Lues (n = 341), uncomplicated urogenital gonococcal infection (n = 309), candidiasis (n = 310), mycoplasmosis (n = 137) and ureaplasma infection (n = 153), being treated at prevention and treatment facilities of 10 cities of Russia from January to December 2007 were analysed.
1567 prescriptions for the treatment of the underlying disease were registered, among which 1352 (86.2%) prescriptions regarded antibacterial agents. The therapy of early forms of Lues most frequently included benzathine benzylpenicillin (38.4%), procaine penicillin (28.3%), ceftriaxone (26.9%), and benzylpenicillin (5.5%); therapy of uncomplicated urogenital gonococcal infection included: ceftriaxone (57.5%), spectinomycin (9.3%), doxycycline (7.2%), and azithromycin (5.1%); urogenital chlamydial infections: azithromycin (28.2%), doxycycline (22.2%), clarithromycin (14.9%), josamycin (11.1%), and ofloxacin (7.9%); urogenital mycoplasmal and ureaplasmal infections: doxycycline (32.4 and 31.3%), josamycin (21.4 and 21.3%), azithromycin (15.2 and 11.3%), clarithromycin (14.5 and 11.3%), levofloxacin (4.1 and 6.9%). Frequency of administration of ther drugs was less then 5% for each one.
The study has demonstrated a high variability of choice of antibacterial agents by physicians along with an evident tendency to exceeding the total doses during the course therapy. The prescribed therapy was conforming with national recommendations in 71.8% of the subjects, while the total treatment doses were consistent with recommended doses in 24% of patients only, that indicates a necessity to change the established practice of bacterial STD therapy in Russia.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):41-53

Results of investigation of the common immunoglobulin isotypes in Lues patients
The investigation of the level of common immunoglobulins in 59 patients with Lues and 23 patients with seroresistent Lues revealed some peculiarities that depend on both the clinical form and duration of the infection process as well as the presence of an associated specific affection of the central nervous system. Clinical sings typical for secondary Lues of the skin and mucus membranes are accompanied by intensified synthesis of the proinflammatory isotypes lgМ and IgG3 in the blood. Early hidden Lues is associated with formation of the antiinflammatory IgA isotype. An increased antibody formation is typical for early types of Lues whereas immunoglobulin levels in late types of the disease are normal. In case of a luetic affection of the central nervous system a decreased production of IgM is revealed.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):54-58

Peculiarities of up-to-day running and epidemiology of the epidermolysis bullosa in the Krasnodar Territory
Analysis of the incidence and clinical peculiarities of the bullous epidermolysis in children at Krasnodar Territory circumstances is represented. The authors conclude that there is a growth of the incidence of the various forms of bullous epidermolysis in pediatric patients. They describe the results of analysis concerning the present clinical polymorphism of the disease.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):59-65

Analysis of the incidence of revealing oncogenic types of the human papillomatosis virus in females with gynecological pathology
Study purpose: to assess the overall contamination with the human papillomatosis viruses and the viral load in virus-positive women using the polymerase chain reaction. Totally 4105 women referred to medical clinics of Nizhny Novgorod for the treatment of various gynecological diseases were examined. At assessment of overall viral contamination it was demonstrated that 962 women among 4105 (23.4%) were virus-positive. By incidence, the following viruses in virus-positive subjects were the leading: high cancerogenious risk types of viruses 16/18 in 33% of women, 31/33 types in 9.5%; 6/11 types in 12%. The amount of patients with diagnosed clinically significant concentrations of viruses was slightly higher than the amount of women with clinically insignificant concentrations of viruses as 119 and 99, respectively (54% against 45%).
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):66-68

A Method of cryoablation of warts and hemangiomas using sodium etamsylate
Cryoablation of hemangiomas and viral warts was performed after preliminary injection of the angioprotective Solution Dicynon 12.5%. The agent contributed to hemostasis and thrombosis in the area of cryoablation that intensified the cryoablation. A beneficial postoperative course, the reduction of the frequency of hyperkeratosis relapses was noted along with an enhanced control of cryoablation. The therapy approach may be advised for the use in the dermatovenerology and cosmetology practice as well as a treatment modality at pediatric surgical departments.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):69-72

Ichthyosis hystrix: clinical signs, diagnostics, and treatment
Data of the literature concerning peculiarities of the course of ichthyosis hystrix and its pathomorphological picture along the description of a clinical case of the rare form of the disease based on authors' own practice are represented.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):77-80

The use of clobetasol for therapy of lichen ruber planus
Data of the literature regarding the use of clobetasol propionate for treatment of lichen ruber planus are represented. The results of authors' comparative investigations for assessment of treatment efficacy using clobetasol propionate and betamethasone valerate in patients suffering lichen ruber planus demonstrated an advantage of the use of clobetasol propionate.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):81-82

The use of topic antibiotics for treatment of acne
The article contains the literature data concerning the efficacy and safety of topic antibiotics for treatment of acne. The results of studies investigating the efficacy of clindamycin external formulations in patients with acne are shown.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):84-85

Efficacy of repeated treatment courses of lactulose as a component of complex therapy in patients with psoriasis
The results of complex investigation performed in 117 patients with progressing psoriasis are reported below. It is estimated that in case of psoriasis progression there are evidences of an excessive accumulation of low and mean molecular substances of catabolic origin in plasma and urine that accompanies to activation of the endotoxin elimination system. The intensity of endotoxicosis syndrome is interrelated with the presence of the intestinal indigestion and the severity degree of dysbiosis. An addition of lactulose (Duphalac, Solvey-Pharma) to the complex therapy of patients with psoriasis aggravation using 25 ml of the drug solution for 21 days lead to significant improvement of the endoscopic picture in the large intestine, a reduction of endogenous intoxication severity and is accompanied by marked clinical benefit.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):86-90

Usage of Isolift Cream and Cryomassage for Correction of Cellulitis
107 patients with cellulitis were under investigation. Treatment with applications of Isolift cream (Uriage cosmetic line) and cryomassage intensified microcirculation in problem zones, made skin more hydrated, fat and smooth. Complex treatment appeared to be more effective than usage of each of methods itself. Obtained results are due to the cream components effecting main metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous fat as well as to the specific effect of cryomassage on microcirculation.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):98-101

Clinical manifestations of androgenic alopecia in females of the reproductive age
The article represents the data of the literature concerning peculiarities of the clinical manifestation of androgenic alopecia in females as well as the results of authors' investigations of morphometrical hair parameters obtained both by trichoscopy and phototrichography in 87 patients with androgenic alopecia and in 30 healthy female volunteers. The obtained data indicate a reduction of hair density in females with androgenic alopecia (mainly in the androgen-dependant area), a decrease of average hair diameter as well as an increase (more than twice) of the percentage of lost hairs compared to the control group.
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):103-107

Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. 2011;87(1):108-110