Efficiency of using a narrow-band 311 nm mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy at atopic dermatitis in children

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The article presents the results of using a narrow-band mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy (311 nm) in 79 children suffering from with atopic dermatitis. The course of treatment comprised 15 to 20 sessions of ultraviolet therapy with the maximal dose of irradiation being not more than 0.15 J/cm2. The control group (n=35) received traditional therapeutic treatment with the use of standard schemes of dosing and drug administration, and did not differ from the main group of patients in age, duration or form of the disease. Clinical efficacy of the therapy was estimated according to the SCORAD index, Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale and Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index. The efficacy of the narrow-band mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy (311 nm) turned out to be very high, which is confirmed by earlier reduction of clinical symptoms among patients from this group than in the control group. The latter fact was also confirmed by the reduction of absolute values of the SCORAD index and Dermatological Index of the Symptom Scale (p<0.05). No side effects were observed in the course of treatment, and the treatment went well. These results are evidence of high efficacy and safety of this method for treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and teenagers.


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