
Phototherapy in treatment of rare dermatoses
Zhilova M.B.
Evaluation of the expression of FLG, AHR and ARNT genes in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis after phototherapy
Kozlova I.V., Chikin V.V., Gorodnichev P.V., Lagun K.M., Nosov N.Y.
Narrow-band phototherapy in the treatment of atopic dermatitis: mechanisms of action, methodology of implementation
Zhilova M.B., Gorodnichev P.V.
Current state of equipment for phototherapy in institutions of dermatovenereologic profile
Novoselova E.Y., Rakhmatulina M.R., Karamova A.E.
Phototherapy combined with systemic agents for mycosis fungoides
Vorontsova A.A., Karamova A.E.
The peripheral blood regulatory T-cells analysis as a criterion for assessing the therapy efficacy and a prognostic marker for the duration of remission of psoriasis
Olisova O.Y., Gudova V.V.
Long-wavelength ultraviolet A (UVA-1) phototherapy for the treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis
Karamova A.E., Chikin V.V., Kubanov A.A., Davletbaeva L.K.
Narrow-band UVB phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis: analysis of the factors determining treatment efficacy
Chikin V.V., Karamova A.E., Kubanov A.A., Zhilova M.B., Gorodnichev P.V., Aulova K.M.
The role of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
Gorodnichev P.V.
Efficiency of phototherapy in patients with mycosis fungoides: preliminary results of a comparative non-randomized study
Karamova A.E., Zhilova M.B., Znamenskaya L.F., Vorontsova A.A.
Currentaspects of psoriasis phototherapy
Zhilova M.B., Butareva M.M., Volnukhin V.A., Zhilova M.B., Butareva M.M., Volnukhin V.A.
Experience of treatment of psoriatic patients with monochromic ultraviolet light from excimer lamps in a combination with external drugs
Namazova-Baranova L.S., Murashkin N.N., Ambarchyan E.T., Materikin A.I.
Early onset of mycosis fungoides. Case from practice
Zaslavsky D.V., Sidikov A.A., Drozdova L.N., Mineeva O.K., Chuprov I.N., Pierre W., Skrek S.V.
Squamous cell carcinoma in a psoriasis patient after multiple courses of phototherapy
Zhilova M.B., Smolyannikova V.A.
Personalized approach to the selection of therapy for patients with psoriasisbased on the results of molecular and genetic tests
Znamenskaya L.F., Frigo N.V., Rotanov S.V., Volkov I.A., Volnukhin V.A., Zhilova M.B.
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of combined treatment with methotrexate and a broadband medium-wave phototherapy for psoriasis patients
Grigoriyev D.V., Vladimirov V.V.
Modern treatment methods for patients with psoriasis
Znamenskaya L.F., Yakovleva S.V., Volnukhin V.A., Pirogova E.V.
Clinical manifestations of the skin photodamage as a result of a multi-course phototherapy of psoriasis patients
Zhilova M.B., Volnukhin V.A., Dvornikov A.S.
Efficiency of using a narrow-band 311 nm mid-wavelength ultraviolet therapy at atopic dermatitis in children
Molecular markers of the risk of development of skin cancer in psoriasis patients receiving a phototherapy
Zhilova M.B., Kubanov A.A.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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