Vol 99, No 3 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Published: 25.07.2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnikdv.ru/jour/issue/view/103
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.25208/vdv.993
The role of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
The aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a cytoplasmic receptor and transcription factor that regulates a wide range of biological and toxicological effects by binding to specific ligands. Among the effects there is detoxification of xenobiotics, maintenance of tissue homeostasis, regulation of the immune response. The structure and functions of AhR are described in the review. The mechanisms of skin homeostasis with the participation of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor such as the effect on oxidative reactions and participation in maintaining the barrier function of the epidermis are demonstrated in details. The role of AhR in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is discussed. The participation of AhR in the implementation of immune mechanisms of this disease as well as in the regulation of the production of key proteins of the skin barrier is shown. The data on the therapeutic value of its pharmacological modulation including the results of clinical studies of the topical ligand AhR Tapinarof are presented. The role of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor in the realization of the effect of phototherapy of atopic dermatitis is demonstrated.

The current consensus for the diagnostic and treatment of extramammary Paget’s disease
Extramammary Paget's disease is a slow-growing cutaneous intraepithelial adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands in the anogenital and axillary regions. The disease is extremely rare, affects predominantly postmenopausal women, and has nonspecific clinical caracteristics, so that it can take 2–10 years from the first clinical signs to diagnosis.
The vulva and the perianal region are the most affected zones. Extramammary Paget’s disease is clinically manifested as well-defined erythematous plaques with secondary changes, such as scaling, ulceration and even bleeding.
Differential diagnosis is made between primary and secondary forms of Extramammary Paget’s disease, candidiasis, contact dermatitis, Crohn's disease, eczema, erosive lichen planus, hydradenitis suppurativa, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, sclerosing lichen, psoriasis, squamous cell carcinoma in situ, amelanotic melanoma and mycosis fungoide.
Treatment mainly includes the surgical component, as well as the use of photodynamic therapy, cytostatic agents, and, depending on the stage, systemic chemotherapy.

Parietal and occipital hair loss patterns in initial stages of androgenic alopecia in men
Background. The initial stages of androgenetic alopecia in men are characterized by a variety of clinical manifestation in the parietal or occipital scalp regions. However, the differences in the pathogenesis of hair loss patterns are not well understood, selective treatment has not been developed.
Aims. Trichological characteristics of patients with initial stages of androgenetic alopecia with identification of genetic and non-genetic factors that determine the hair loss in the different scalp regions, and their response to conservative therapy.
Materials and methods: Trichograms were photodocumented using an AramoSG microcamera (Republic of Korea). The genetic factor was analyzed by mini-sequencing of single nucleotide polymorphisms rs929626, rs5919324, rs1998076, rs12565727, rs756853. The non-genetic factors study included hormonal status (total and free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 17OH-progesterone, dehydroepiandrostenone, SHBG) and blood content of trace elements (Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Se, Fe) and vitamins (B12, D, E, folic acid). Conservative treatment was topical application of a minoxidil 5% (twice-a-day, 4 months) and a micronutrient deficiencies personalized correction.
Results. The study included 47 man with initial stages of androgenetic alopecia. Their trichological examination showed two patterns, consisting a predominant decrease in the hair density and diameter in the parietal and occipital scalp regions, which were subgroups formation criteria. An intergroup comparison revealed similar genetic risk, while hormonal parameters (increased dihydrotestosterone levels, a decrease in free testosterone) characterized the subgroup with parietal hair loss pattern. Also, a multiple deficiency of Zn, Cu, Se and vitamins B12, D, folic acid was detected in all patients. Subsequent conservative treatment had a positive effect in patients with parietal hair loss pattern, while in patients with occipital pattern no significant response was observed.
Conclusions. The study develops ideas about differences between androgen-dependent parietal and androgen-independent occipital hair loss patterns in the initial stages of androgenetic alopecia, which requires different approaches to their conservative therapy.

Microbiological assessment of the effectiveness of standard therapy in atopic dermatitis
Background. Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by recurrent lesions and intense pruritus. Nowadays there is a stepwise approach to the treatment of atopic dermatitis, which is defined by disease intensity and complications such as secondary skin infections. However, the current management of atopic dermatitis may not always lead to the expected outcome due to not only immune dysregulation of both adaptive and innate immunity but also imbalance of the skin microbiome.
Aims. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in the composition of the skin microbiome in both lesional and non-lesional skin in patients with atopic dermatitis during standard treatment.
Materials and methods. Twenty patients with atopic dermatitis and twenty six healthy controls over 18 years old were included into the study. All microbiome samples were obtained from lesional and non-lesional skin sites of atopic dermatitis patients before and after therapy. Whereas samples from healthy controls were taken once from a flexor surface of the elbow. Species identification of clinical isolates were identified using MALDI Biotyper Sirius (Bruker Daltonics).
Results. At baseline, the prevalence of S. aureus colonization among patients with atopic dermatitis was 34.20% in lesional skin and 32.50% in non-lesional skin. After treatment, there was a significant decrease in the prevalence of S. aureus carriage in both lesional and non-lesional skin areas (р < 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in the proportion of all other staphylococci (р < 0.1). Interestingly, S. aureus was not found in healthy controls.
Conclusions. The results of the study demonstrated the effectiveness of standard therapy for managing patients with atopic dermatitis as it had a positive impact on the skin microbial community and showed a decrease in S. aureus proportion after the treatment.

Analysis of the dynamics of Neisseria gonorrhоeaе resistance to antimicrobial drugs in the Russian Federation for the period 2005–2021
Background. Neisseria gonorrhoeae can rapidly develop resistance to antimicrobial agents due to innate mechanisms for the acquisition of antimicrobial resistance genes. Because of the rapid formation of resistance mechanisms of N. gonorrhoeae to the antimicrobial agents used in gonococcal therapy, the risk of incurable forms of the disease is high. The purpose of the study is to to summarize the results of RU-GASP over a 16-year period and assess the trends of N. gonorrhoeae resistance to antimicrobials used in the regimens of antibiotic therapy of gonococcal infection in Russia.
Materials and methods. Study Objective. The study included 5356 isolates of N. gonorrhoeae received from January 2005 to December 2021 in State Scientific Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow of the Ministry of Health of Russia under the RU-GASP program from specialized medical organizations of dermatovenerological profile of 37 subjects of the Russian Federation. Primary identification of N. gonorrhoeae was performed using bacterioscopic and bacteriological methods. The cultures identified as N. gonorrhoeae were frozen in a cryogenic medium and transported to SSCDC. Received cultures were verified by biochemical criteria on a VITEK 2 Compact analyzer. For cultures identified as N. gonorrhoeae with less than 99% probability, a time-of-flight ionization mass spectrometer MALDI Microflex (Bruker Daltonics GmbH, Germany) was used for mass spectrometric analysis.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Sensitivity testing of N. gonorrhoeae to six antimicrobials — penicillin, spectinomycin, ceftriaxone, tetracycline, azithromycin and ciprofloxacin was performed by serial dilution in agar with determination of minimum suppressive concentrations (MSC, mg/L). N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity to antibacterial agents was evaluated according to EUCAST criteria (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, 2022, http://www.eucast.org).
Results. The study showed the absence of significant changes in the ratio of sensitive and resistant to the action of antimicrobial drugs strains of N. gonorrhoeae that is a consequence of the effectiveness of the RU-GASP program, which allowed to exclude in time from therapeutic use the drugs for which a high proportion of the identified resistant strains was observed.
Conclusion. Analysis of RU-GASP results over a 16-year period confirms the use of third-generation cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefixime) as the drugs of choice for therapy of gonococcal infection, and the aminocyclic antibiotic spectinomycin as an alternative drug. The continued evolution of the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of N. gonorrhoeae dictates the need to continue the RU-GASP program.

To the question of the effect of isotretinoin on the neuropsychic state of patients with acne
Patients with acne often develop neuropsychiatric disorders of varying severity, correlating, as a rule, with the severity of dermatosis. Isotretinoin is the most commonly used drug for the treatment of moderate acne. Due to the fact that in a number of studies isotretinoin was considered as a trigger for the development of various neuropsychiatric disorders, numerous studies were conducted to prove this possibility or to refute it. An analysis of the literature showed that, according to the vast majority of studies, isotretinoin does not lead to neuropsychiatric disorders. However, given the opposite opinion of some authors, it is advisable to actively identify, including in the anamnesis, any psycho-emotional disorders, and monitor them during therapy. In these cases, it is indicated to start treatment with small doses (recommendations have not been developed).

Demonstration of a clinical case based on the phenotypic approach of rosacea therapy
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin mainly of the central facial region, having gender and age correlations. Currently, more and more data is accumulating on the analysis of rosacea phenotypes, scientific discussions are underway on the feasibility of switching from subtype classification to phenotypic classification to justify individualized approaches to therapy. The phenotypic classification is based on the manifestations of rosacea and distinguishes diagnostic signs from the main and secondary symptoms. Thus, phymatous changes and persistent central facial erythema are the only diagnostic signs (criteria) of rosacea, and erythema, telangiectasia and inflammatory papules/pustules are the main symptoms and only in combination can indicate the diagnosis of rosacea. Secondary signs of rosacea are hot flashes, burning, pain, swelling and a feeling of dryness. The symptoms of rosacea are based on various pathophysiological mechanisms, so therapy in most cases will consist of a combination of topical agents with systemic drugs or physiotherapy. The article presents a clinical case of rosacea based on a phenotypic approach to therapy.

A rare form of leishmaniasis, identified in the Russian Federation
Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis is a rare form of cutaneous leishmaniasis characterized by an inadequate immune response of the host cells to parasitic invasion (weak T-helper (Th)1 response or Th2 response with the production of interleukin IL-4 and IL-10). The characteristic features of the disease include diffuse nodular eruption, masquerading as leprosy and a frequent association with immunosuppression (HIV co-infection, for example). The Russian Federation is a non-endemic country for leishmaniasis, but this disease can be brought into the country by tourists, immigrants, refugees and military personnel. A clinical case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis and HIV co-infection is presented. The patient was a citizen of Uzbekistan, a country endemic for leishmaniasis. The authors were unable to find domestic scientific publications describing cases of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis detected in the Russian Federation. The presented clinical case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis in a patient with HIV is the first in the Russian literature.

Аlexey V. Samtsov is 70 years old